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Xenoblade Chronicles 3

A Burning Curiosity

Shane Williams
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This is a guide for the “A Burning Curiosity” standard quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to finding Ulula Generators and Ulula Metal Fists.

Ymeer wants to research the Levnis.

How do Agnian Levnises float? Work with Ymeer from the maintenance and development team to find out the answer to this curious question.

How to Start the A Burning Curiosity Standard Quest

Progress through the game until you reach Chapter 5 and return to Colony 4 in the Fornis Region, then head into Ferronis and speak with Ymmer who can be found standing near a Levnis at the back of the first room to begin this quest!

Where To Find Ulula Generators and Ulula Metal Fists

Once you’ve started the quest you’ll need to give rare material to Ymeer to help with the research. You may already have some of the materials from your adventures around Aionis, but if you’re looking to fill the bar quickly then you’ll want to find Ulula Generators and Ulula Metal Fists.

In order to find these you’ll want to open your map and make your way over to the Pentelas region, then fast travel over to the Engardo Pass Camp Rest Spot. Head northwest and run past the Besieger Sheritt Enemy and you’ll come across a Bushwacker Farrit which you’ll need to defeat to acquire Ulula Generators and Ulula Metal Fist. It’s level 47, so defeat the enemies in front of it first to avoid taking too much damage.

(1 of 2) Head to this location in the Pentalas Region

Head to this location in the Pentalas Region (left), and defeat the Bushwhacker Farritt. (right)

Once you shift your attention onto the Bushwacker Farrit you’ll want to make sure you have any buffs active to increase your damage output, then hold Joy-Con-ZL followed by Joy-Con-DPad-Right to make the team only use fusion attacks, then when you have a level 3 Interlink activate the Ourobors and then use the Chain Attack. This should either defeat the enemy or make its health very low, allowing you to finish it off.

Interact with the nearby named grave and defeat Bushwacker Farrit a couple times, then return Ymeer and see if you have enough to fill the bar. If not, return and repeat the process above. After you’ve filled the bar the quest will come to a close.

Quest Rewards

EXP Gold SP Rewards
2840 2880 3 None
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 July 2022
  • Last Updated
    12 May 2023
    Version History
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