This is a guide for Monica’s Ascension Quest, Promise to the Future, in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
How to Start the Promise to the Future Hero Quest¶
Approach this marker with Monica in your active party to start the quest
First off, you won’t be able to get this quest until Chapter 7. You will also need to make sure Monica is in your active party, as well as the Inheritor of the Lost Vanguard class (Eunie) is Rank 10 with it. Once you have all of the above done, go to the City with Monica in your party and you should see a on the southern side, right outside of the Memorial Hall landmark. Approach the marker to begin the quest.
How to Complete the Promise to the Future Hero Quest¶
The former candidates for the Ouroboros want to use a transporter to do something, but one of the leaders of the Six Houses refuses to do it. This leads to a conversation involving Monica, and after that is over, you will need to head to the Michiba Canteen. Go there for another scene and while eating, you find out some things that require your attention. You will need to visit Garrett in the residential distract, in the southern part of the City. There will be yet another scene there, and eventually, you learn your destination, which is Corne Island.
This is in the Erythia Sea and you’ve already been there once, during the main story. Fast travel to Doublecrag Gate landmark, then go north, west, and north when you see the narrow path. This will take you to a vine you can climb, where you can continue following the main path to the marker, and yet another scene. You will see Jansen and the others in the Antol Pit below, so find the vines you can climb down up a little further. Upon finally reaching them, the battle with the enemies will begin.
(1 of 2) Take this path to eventually get to the Antol Pit
Take this path to eventually get to the Antol Pit (left), Cocoon will make your attacks bounce off of the Antol (right)
You will be facing off against two level 61 Territorial Antols, which are essentially similar to the Arachno Queens. As usual, concentrate on a single enemy at a time, until it is defeated, then you can move onto the other one. They really shouldn’t cause too much trouble for your party, especially since the Ouroboros candidates will actually be fighting alongside you here. The only thing to be careful about is the Cocoon skill, which causes your attacks to bounce off of the Antol, dealing reduced damage. You simply have to wait until it wears off before you’re able to deal full damage, but the Antol won’t be attacking either while it’s in this state.
There will be more scenes after the battle is over, but that’s all for this Ascension Quest. Monica will be Rank 20 now for her class, and you will be able to level your characters to Rank 20 for the Lost Vanguard class now.
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
4780 | 4330 | 10 | – |
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