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Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Boss Fight: Moebius R

Ben Chard
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This is a guide for the Moebius R boss fight found in Ashera’s Hero Quest, The Wrath of Ashera in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, taking place in the Keves Castle Region.

Moebius R is a boss in Ashera’s Hero Quest, the Wrath of Ashera.

How to Beat Moebius R

Name Level Type
Moebius R 38 Moebius_Ouroboros.png

You didn’t think you were going to liberate Colony 11 without a tussle with another member of Moebius, did you? Moebius R takes on a different form to some of the other Moebius battles you’ve fought recently and as such, can be a little more difficult to predict in terms of what to expect.

Even more out of the norm, Moebius R is accompanied by her own squad too for a total of seven foes at the start of the battle. This is by far the most difficult part of the battle as you’ll be sustaining damage from all sides, so you’ll definitely want to ensure you have at least two Healers and two Defenders (on top of Ashera as a third) to hopefully give your Attackers time to survive and take out the squad. Focus down the Rescuers, followed by the Blocker Elite and then any Attackers that remain.

You’ll be left with just Moebius R at this point, and she has some particularly nasty Arts available to her, which you can find out more about below:

  • Winnowing: Moebius R will leap into the air and let out a miasma that inflicts all party members with Physical Defense Down and a possibility of Evasion Down.
  • Tranquilizer Shot: Moebius R will shoot a large round at a single target before leaping back in the process. This will deal moderate damage and inflict the Sleep debuff to any targets close to the impact.
  • Fragmented Circle: Moebius R will leap high into the sky and start spinning around, letting off multiple shots that deal continuous light damage to any targets it strikes.

Moebius R actually has less Arts than the previous Moebius bosses, but this is purely due to the fact that she has an entire squad to accompany her. If you don’t these out beforehand, you’ll have to deal with the buffs that they cast on her such as Regenerate and Awakening so it’s in your best interest to deal with them first.

Don’t let Moebius R’s small Arts pool fool you though, she has the means of being nuisance throughout this battle. She will use Winnowing often, inflicting the entire party with Physical Defense Down and sometimes Evasion Down. You can remove these with Cure Bullet, but the fact she uses it so often means that you should go into this battle expecting to have these Debuffs on you for the duration of it.

The largest threat from Moebius R, however, is Tranquilizer Shot which is her go-to Art for this battle. When used, she’ll shoot a large round at her target which will explode in the vicinty, dealing moderate damage but more importantly, inflicting the Sleep debuff. This puts that character (usually your Tank) out of action until it wears off of you remove it yourself. Hopefully you have Cure Bullet for this battle, but if not, switch to the affected character and press the onscreen buttons to free them as quickly as possible.

(1 of 3) Any Keves Rescuers should be your first priority

Moebius R’s final Art, Fragmented Circle is one that shouldn’t cause you too many problems so long as your Tank(s) are doing their job at controlling Aggro. It can hit multiple characters, but due to it only inflicting light damage, it won’t cause too much of a dent.

The majority of the difficulty for this battle lies at the start of it, especially if you’re playing on the Hard Difficulty. There’s a lot going on and until you can get the battle under control, you may find yourself in a bit of a reviving cycle. If you have a Chain Attack available, do use it on the Blocker Elite as it has plenty of HP. Provided you have Cure Bullet (or are prepared to shift around your lineup) to deal with the Sleep Debuff, the rest of the battle against Moebius R should be more of a formality.

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  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    26 July 2022
  • Last Updated
    12 May 2023
    Version History
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