This is a guide for the Life in the City Standard Quest in Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
How to Start the Life in the City Standard Quest¶
Go to this spot to get the Info needed to start this quest
In order to begin this quest, you will need to have finished Young Noble’s Request, which requires you to complete the Hero Quest, Doing It My Way. Just south of the Remembrance Stones in the City, you will find an Info Fragment that will give you The Colony 15 Folk piece of Info. Discuss this Info at a rest spot to start the quest.
How to Complete the Life in the City Standard Quest¶
The party is interested to see how the Colony 15 folk are doing in the City. You will need to head to three locations in the City, which are the Medical Facility Area (southeast), the Caelum Residential Quarter Area (south), and the Centrilo Parade Area (central). It seems after visiting the first two areas listed above, you will hear a scream and going to the third area will trigger a scene with one of the City’s residents. She mentions that some big brute wearing a bandana made off with Shiner, one of the kids.
They went off to Daedal Isle, so that is where you need to go. If you forgot where that is, it’s the large island in the middle of the Erythia Sea, just north of Vinisog Holm. You will want to be on the southern side of the island, by the First Pillar Remnant landmark. Just west of that, there is a hill you can climb, leading to a lower level area, and you will find both Torto and Shiner in the middle of that open area, training. During the cutscene, you will have the option to either Hand over Torto or Protect Torto. This choice doesn’t really affect anything, so just pick whatever you want.
(1 of 4) Go in this direction on the southern side of Daedal Isle
Either way, Torto goes with the Lost Numbers, and you decide to go back to the City to meet with Shiner’s father. He will be found just south of the Remembrance Stones and he has an idea where Torto was taken, so he asks you to meet him there. Go to the location just south of there to see a little commotion happening, which of course, leads into a battle. You will be fighting four level 50 enemies, two of which are Automatons. They should probably go down first, since they deal more damage over the humans. However you do things, the quest will end after this battle.
EXP | Gold | SP | Rewards |
3920 | 2300 | 3 | Strung Jade (Rare) x1 |
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