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Genshin Impact

Aranyaka: Part II - Dream Nursery: The World of Aranara

Jessica Dillon
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During the Dream Nursery act’s second part, you will finally unlock the Aranara Village. This area can only be truly accessed by going through the Aranyaka questline. Below we go over how to unlock the village so you can start using Sumeru features like the Tree of Dreams and get ahold of the Sumeru weapons.

Entering Vanarana for the first time.


  1. Speak with Paimon
  2. Go to Vimara Village and find Amadhiah.
  3. Get and Equip the Vintage Lyre.
  4. Head to Vanarana.
  5. Find the arch in the middle of Vanarana and play the Vintage Lyre.
  6. Step into the arch.
  7. Undergo the Trial of the Phantasmal Seed.
  8. Collect 15 Phantasmal Seeds.
  9. Follow the Dendro markings.
  10. Use your Vintage Lyre in front of the rock.
  11. Help three Aranara solve their problems.
  12. Go to the next quest marker.
  13. Deal with two waves of Pyro Whooperflowers.
  14. Return to the rock and play the Vintage Lyre once again.
  15. Go to the village chief’s home.

Getting the Vintage Lyre

Using the Vintage Lyre in Vanarana.

After talking with Arana, you will need to head back to Vanarana Village. You can simply teleport to the location and then fly down to the quest marker. Here you will speak with Amadhiah, who will give you a new key item called the Vintage Lyre after telling him you need a musical instrument.

You will want to pop into your inventory and go ahead and equip the Vintage Lyre. You will constantly be using this instrument over the course of the Dream Nursery quest line. Once this is done, head to Vanarana, which is located in the north part of the map. If you have the rest of your map filled out, it will be one of two areas that remains blank and easy to spot.

Finding the True Vanarana

Vanarana loction.

Once you begin to walk into Vanarana, you will notice several small houses but no people. Follow the road into the village until you encounter an arch in the middle of a shallow pond. You will want to go to the marked spot and play your Vintage Lyre. Don’t worry about memorizing a song. The Vintage Lyre will always show you what notes you need to hit.

Once the song is finished, step into the arch to activate a new mini-game. This is called the Trial of the Phantasmal Seed. Here’s how to complete it.

  • You will need to collect 15 Phantasmal Seeds within the marked area of your mini-map. These look like small floating Dendro balls, you have 90 seconds to do so.
  • Enemies will spawn in the area. Avoid these, as getting hit will remove 30 seconds from your timer.
  • Each Phantasmal Seed you collect will reset your timer.
  • You can stand by the glowing mushrooms to get rid of enemy aggro.
  • In addition, striking the mushroom with an electro attack will cause a beam to shoot up from close by Phantasmal Seeds, making them easier to find.
  • Once you have all 15 seeds, you have to take them back to the arch and interact with it.

(1 of 4) Trial start.

Upon completing the trial, Dendro traces will appear, follow them up the road to a stone called Silapna. Once there, play your Vintage Lyre to unlock the real Vanrana Village.

Earning the Aranara’s Trust

Removing Fungi in Vanarana.

Once you can see and talk to the Aranara, you will learn that you need to gain their trust. This can be done by visiting the three Aranara marked on your mask and completing tasks for them. You simply need to defeat two sets of Fungi enemies and clear a rock from the village.

Aranara chief’s house.

Once this is done, an Aranara named Arama will ask you to defeat some enemies outside of the village. The enemies two waves of Pyro Whooperflowers, so be sure to pull out a Hydro character to make quick work of them. You will go back to Silapna and play the Vintage Lyre again. After this, you will be able to proceed to the village chief’s house to learn more about getting Bija and start the next part of the Dream Nursery questline.

The quest line will now split off into several different parts. You will want to start with the Encounter in the Woods quest line.

Vanarana Unlocked

The Tree of Dreams unlocking.

Now that you have unlocked Vanarana, several different features will be made available to you.

  • Tree of Dreams: Dendro Sigil exchange.
  • Vanarana Statue of the Seven
  • Aranami’s Shop: Sales Sumeru specialties and fruit.
  • Aravinay’s Shop: Sumeru weapon blueprint exchange.

More features will also open up, many of which tie into other world quests as you proceed further into the Aranaka quest line. Be sure to check out the shops and stop by the Tree of Dreams to redeem your collected Dendro Sigils for rewards such as Acquaint Fate.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Adventure
  • Guide Release
    30 October 2020
  • Last Updated
    31 July 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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  • All Archon Quests including the new Sumeru Archon Quests.
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  • All Domains laid bare with expert strategies including the new Sumeru Domains.
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