In Version 3.3 of Genshin Impact, Genius Invokation TCG was officially released. This card game had long been teased, and even the character Cyno is closely connected to it. The card game is a permanent part of the game and allows you to play against both NPCs and other players. You can even win prizes by climbing the ranks and unlock even more cards to make better decks. If you are wanting to learn to play for yourself, then the guide below is here to help you get set up.
Genius Invokation TCG Tutorial.
How to Unlock Genius Invokation TCG in Version 3.3¶
There are two major requirements for unlocking Genius Invokation TCG in Genshin Impact.
- Reach Adventure Rank 32.
- Complete Archon Quest Prologue: Act III - Song of the Dragon and Freedom.
After this, you will be able to unlock the game.
How to Get Your First Genius Invokation TCG Deck¶
The start of the Genius Invokation TCG quest.
Once you meet the requirements, head back to Mondstadt and go to speak with Timaeus. A cutscene will appear with Sucrose. After this, enter the Cat’s Tail. This is located right above the Adventurer’s Guild. Once inside, speak with the black cat on the counter Prince, and you will be able to start playing your first match with Diona.
After this, you will need to play a match against Sucrose, Swan at the Mondstadt main gate, and Fischl to get your first official deck, gain access to the shop, and challenge players in the wild. After you finish this, you will need to go outside to see Margaret and get your tome.
In addition, the game has a leveling system, and you can earn** lucky coins **to use in the shop. You will receive invitations to challenge characters to fight you for special cards. You also will unlock the feature to play online with friends at this point, but keep in mind you won’t be rewarded for doing so.
Check out the link below for a complete list of Genius Ivokation TCG Cards:
You will be able to unlock more cards by buying them in the shop and making your way up the TCG ranks.
How to Play Genius Invokation TCG in Genshin Impact¶
Ending the round in Genius Invokation TCG.
The gameplay of Genius Invokation TCG will be familiar if you’ve ever played other card games like Magic The Gathering. You and your opponent place out three character cards with their own health and stats. You can enhance the power of said card by using equipment cards. You can also use support cards to help your characters buff further or event cards to trigger things like being able to draw extra cards from your deck or heal your on-field character.
You will want to attack with your character cards using basic attacks and elemental skills to build up energy. When you have enough energy, you can unleash powerful attacks and their elemental burst. You will also have to contend with an elemental dice system. There is even an Omni-dice that counts for every element.
You will need elemental dice that align with your character’s element to play cards and attack opponents. You can find the type of dice you need and the number needed when the cards are in your hand. For characters, the attacks will be displayed in the corner of your screen with the cost. There are some cards that don’t have aligned elements. You can switch between characters at any time by paying with one of your dice, but this will change it to your opponent’s turn unless you have a support card in play that negates this.
The field when character cards have been taken out of play.
If you roll a group of dice that don’t match your character, then you can reroll or sacrifice cards in your hand to change your elemental dice’s current element. Your goal is to wipe out your opponent’s character cards by unleashing attacks and depleting their health over time. The elemental reaction system is in play, and you can trigger statuses on enemy cards. This can be used to take your opponent’s cards down even fast.
Once you are out of dice, you will need to end your round so that you can roll again. At the start of each round, you will be told who will go first. Remember that after your opponent attacks, it will switch back to your turn and vice-versa until you both end the round. The first to knock all three of their opponent’s character cards out will win the duel.
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