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Genshin Impact

Kujou Sara

Matt Chard
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Kujou Sara is a 4-Star Electro character who wields a Bow. This page is designed to show you all her talents, constellations, and ascension table as well as her best builds, best weapons, and best artifacts.

Kujou Sara is a 4-Star Electro user who wields a bow.


Rarity Tier Weapon Vision
(4 Stars) Genshin Impact Screenshot Unknown Bow_Weapons_Genshin_Impact.png Bow Electro_Icon_Art_Genshin_Impact.png Electro


Name Kujou Sara
Sex Female
Constellation Flabellum
Region Inazuma
Affiliation Tenryou Commission
Special Dish Faith Eternal
How to Obtain Reign of Serenity Event Wish

Release Date

Kujou Sara was released on September 01, 2021 with the Reign of Serenity Event Banner.


If the Almighty Shogun is the sound of thunder that fills the heavens, Kujou Sara is the lightning strike against which her enemies are powerless to defend themselves — and wherever lightning first strikes, terrifying thunder is sure to follow.
As the adopted daughter of the Kujou Clan, she conducts herself with an official demeanor at all times. Ask anyone about their impression of Kujou Sara, and they will likely talk of her ruthless efficiency and stern attitude.
Yet this loyal subject of the Shogun is not as cold and indifferent as she seems on the surface. Rather, she has surrendered herself to the demands of her role, her strong sense of duty causing her to put aside her own desires in service of a greater cause.
For Kujou Sara, helping the Almighty Shogun to achieve eternity is a paramount goal. She knows that she herself may not be there in the end, but she devotes herself to this mission all the same.
“Victory will belong to all of us, even if I am not the last person remaining on the battlefield. If people could have only one wish, this would be Kujou Sara’s. Concealed beneath her icy exterior is a heart that pounds like thunder, where passionate flames burn in secret.”

Skills Talents

Talents Icon Name Notes
Normal Attack Tengu_Bowmanship_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Tengu Bowmanship Normal Attack: Perform up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow. Charged Attack: Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. While aiming, crackling lightning will accumulate on the arrowhead. An arrow fully charged with the storm’s might will deal Electro DMG. When in the Crowfeather Cover state, a fully-charged arrow will leave a Crowfeather behind after it hits. Plunging Attack: Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
Elemental Skill Tengu_Stormcall_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Tengu Stormcall Retreats rapidly with the speed of a tengu, summoning the protection of the Crowfeather. Gains Crowfeather Cover for 18s, and when Kujou Sara fires a fully-charged Aimed Shot, Crowfeather Cover will be consumed, and will leave a Crowfeather at the target location. Crowfeathers will trigger Tengu Juurai: Ambush after a short time, dealing Electro DMG and granting the active character within its AoE an ATK Bonus based on Kujou Sara’s Base ATK. The ATK Bonuses from different Tengu Juurai will not stack, and their effects and duration will be determined by the last Tengu Juurai to take effect.
Elemental Burst Subjugation_Koukou_Sendou_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Subjugation: Koukou Sendou Casts down Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker, dealing AoE Electro DMG. Afterwards, Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker spreads out into 4 consecutive bouts of Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster, dealing AoE Electro DMG. Tengu Juurai: Titanbreaker and Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster can provide the active character within their AoE with the same ATK Bonus as given by the Elemental Skill, Tengu Stormcall. The ATK Bonus provided by various kinds of Tengu Juurai will not stack, and their effects and duration will be determined by the last Tengu Juurai to take effect.

Passive Talents

Type Icon Name Info
Talent 1 / Ascension 1 Immovable_Will_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Immovable Will While in the Crowfeather Cover state provided by Tengu Stormcall, Aimed Shot charge times are decreased by 60%.
Talent 2 / Ascension 4 Decorum_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Decorum When Tengu Juurai: Ambush hits opponents, Kujou Sara will restore 1.2 Energy to all party members for every 100% Energy Recharge she has. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.
Talent 3 / Unlocked Auto Land_Survey_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Land Survey When dispatched on an expedition in Inazuma, time consumed is reduced by 25%.

Kujo Sara’s Constellation

Level Icon Name Effect
1 Crows_Eye_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Crow’s Eye When Tengu Juurai grants characters ATK Bonuses or hits opponents, the CD of Tengu Stormcall is decreased by 1s. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.
2 Dark_Wings_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Dark Wings Unleashing Tengu Stormcall will leave a weaker Crowfeather at Kujou Sara’s original position that will deal 30% of its original DMG.
3 The_War_Within_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png The War Within Increases the Level of Subjugation: Koukou Sendou by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
4 Conclusive_Proof_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Conclusive Proof The number of Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster released by Subjugation: Koukou Sendou is increased to 6.
5 Spellslinger_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Spellsinger Increases the Level of Tengu Stormcall by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
6 Sin_of_Pride_Kujou_Sara_Characters_Genshin_Impact.png Sin of Pride The Electro DMG of characters who have had their ATK increased by Tengu Juurai has its Crit DMG increased by 60%.

Talent Materials

Icon Name Type Max Quantity Obtained
Teachings_of_Elegance_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png Teachings of Elegance Talent Materials 9 Violet Court
Guide_to_Elegance_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png Guide to Elegance Talent Materials 63 Violet Court, Alchemy
Philosophies_of_Elegance_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png Philosophies of Elegance Talent Materials 114 Violet Court, Alchemy
Damaged_Mask_Genshin_Impact.png Damaged Mask Common Ascension Materials 18 Dropped by Hilichurls
Stained_Mask_Items_Genshin_Impact.png Stained Mask Common Ascension Materials 66 Dropped by Lv.40+ Hilichurls, Alchemy
Ominous_Mask_Items_Genshin_Impact.png Ominous Mask Common Ascension Materials 93 Dropped by Lv.60+ Hilichurls, Alchemy
Ashen_Heart_Items_Genshin_Impact.png Ashen Heart Weekly Boss Materials 18 Lv 70+ La Signora Weekly Boss
Crown_of_Insight_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png Crown of Insight Weekly Boss Materials 3 Frostbearing Tree, Sacred Sakura


Ascension Req.Level Mora Elemental Material 1 Elemental Material 2 Local Specialty CommonMaterial
1 20 20,000 Vajrada_Amethyst_Silver_Items_Genshin_Impact.png1 Vajrada Amethyst Sliver Dendrobium_Items_Genshin_Impact.png3 Dendrobium Damaged_Mask_Genshin_Impact.png3 Damaged Mask
2 40 40,000 Vajrada_Amethyst_Fragment_Items_Genshin_Impact.png3 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment Storm_Beads_Enemy_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png2 Storm Beads Dendrobium_Items_Genshin_Impact.png10 Dendrobium Damaged_Mask_Genshin_Impact.png15 Damaged Mask
3 50 60,000 Vajrada_Amethyst_Fragment_Items_Genshin_Impact.png6 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment Storm_Beads_Enemy_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png4 Storm Beads Dendrobium_Items_Genshin_Impact.png20 Dendrobium Stained_Mask_Items_Genshin_Impact.png12 Stained Mask
4 60 80,000 Vajrada_Amethyst_Chunk_Items_Genshin_Impact.png3 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk Storm_Beads_Enemy_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png8 Storm Beads Dendrobium_Items_Genshin_Impact.png30 Dendrobium Stained_Mask_Items_Genshin_Impact.png18 Stained Mask
5 70 100,000 Vajrada_Amethyst_Chunk_Items_Genshin_Impact.png6 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk Storm_Beads_Enemy_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png12 Storm Beads Dendrobium_Items_Genshin_Impact.png45 Dendrobium Ominous_Mask_Items_Genshin_Impact.png12 Ominous Mask
6 80 120,000 Vajrada_Amethyst_Gemstone_Items_Genshin_Impact.png6 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone Storm_Beads_Enemy_Materials_Genshin_Impact.png20 Storm Beads Dendrobium_Items_Genshin_Impact.png60 Dendrobium Ominous_Mask_Items_Genshin_Impact.png24 Ominous Mask


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Best Weapons Ranked

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Best Artifacts Ranked

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Adventure
  • Guide Release
    30 October 2020
  • Last Updated
    31 July 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Genshin Impact includes the following:

  • Based on version 3.0.
  • An interactive Map of Teyvat showing the location of all; Anemoculus, Geoculus, Statues of the Seven, World Quests, Shrines, Plants, Monsters, Enemies, Chests and Minerals.
  • Knowledge on all of the current known regions of Teyvat.
  • Detailed Character pages of all playable characters showing talent trees, skill builds and Ascension tables.
  • Character Tier Lists.
  • Combat Information and Elemental Effects & Combinations.
  • Weapons - Showing the current best and highest rated weapons in the game.
  • All Archon Quests including the new Sumeru Archon Quests.
  • All World Quests that are unlocked by speaking to NPCs through Teyvat. They give insight into the various locations and stories of the world.
  • All Story Quests consisting of chapters related to the background and personalities of each playable character.
  • All Domains laid bare with expert strategies including the new Sumeru Domains.
  • How to conquer the Spiral Abyss.
  • All Weekly Bosses covered with expert strategies.
  • How to get all the optimal outcomes on Hangout Events
  • Housing guide using the Serenitea Pot including a full blueprint and furnishings list.
  • All details on Gardening and Fishing.
  • Bonus Content, including Interviews from voice actors.

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