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Genshin Impact

Best Elemental Teams

Matt Chard
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Here you’ll find a list of party compositions for each Element as well as each Elemental Status, these lists are based on our own personal findings as well as research from the community.

Venti is listed in all of the Support spots because if you are lucky enough to get the Storm of Defiance Constellation, it adds 20% Elemental resistance down for any Element, even without this, he is incredibly strong. The Support slot in general can be filled by anyone and is flexible, you could use a Healer, Tank or even another Element to boost that Elements damage.

Team Compositions

Pyro Genshin Impact Screenshot

Team Overload (Pyro)

What we have here is a two Pyro users to get the Pyro +25% damage bonus as well as an Electro user to trigger the Overload Status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Bennett and lay down his Elemental Burst: Fantastic Voyage which will cover the field with a Pyro surface, switch to Fischl and use her Elemental Skill: Nightrider to summon Oz which will provide constant Overload on the enemies then switch over to Diluc and make use of his low cooldowns and high damage. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for an Electro based support like Beidou if you want more Electro damage.

Team Melt (Pyro)

What we have here is a two Pyro users to get the Pyro +25% damage bonus as well as a Cryo user to trigger the Melt status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Ganyu and cast her Elemental Skill: Trial of The Qilin, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her lotus which will taunt the enemies towards it, use her Elemental Burst: Celestial Shower which will rain down icicles for a period of time, putting the Cryo effect on them and then alternate between Klee and Diluc’s skills for maximum Melt damage. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Jean if you need to have a healer in the party for more intensive battles.

Team Vaporise (Pyro)

What we have here is a two Pyro users to get the Pyro +25% damage bonus as well as a Hydro user to trigger the Vaporise status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Mona and cast her Elemental Skill: Mirror Reflection of Doom, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her Illusory Phantom which will taunt the enemies towards it, use her Elemental Burst: Stellaris Phantasm, this can trap enemies in Hydro bubbles and it will also increase the damage on the enemies trapped within them, switch over to Diluc and alternate between his and Klee’s skills for maximum vaporise damage. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Jean if you need to have a healer in the party for more intensive battles.

Cryo Genshin Impact Screenshot

Team Melt (Cryo)

What we have here is a two Cryo users to get the Cryo +25% damage bonus as well as a Pryo user to trigger the Melt status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start the battle as Bennett and cast his Elemental Burst: Fantastic Voyage to coat the surface in Pyro then switch to Ganyu and cast her Elemental Skill: Trial of The Qilin, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her lotus which will taunt the enemies, use her Elemental Burst: Celestial Shower which will rain down icicles for a period of time causing constant Melt damage, switch to Chongyun for his Elemental Burst: Spirit Blade: Cloud-parting Star whenever it’s up for even more Melt damage, keep up Fantastic Voyage and use Ganyu’s charged level two shot more high melt damage. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Diluc or Klee if you want to have more Pyro damage.

Team Permafrost (Cryo)

A favourite among the community, we have two Cryo users to get the Cryo +25% damage bonus as well as a Hydro user to trigger the Frozen status. What this does, is freezes the enemies in place, not allowing them to act for a short while. The aim for this team, is to keep the enemies frozen as much as possible.

Start off with Mona and cast her Elemental Skill: Mirror Reflection of Doom, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her Illusory Phantom which will taunt the enemies towards it, switch over to Chongyun and use his Elemental Skill: Spirit Blade: Chonghua’s Layered Frost which will freeze the enemies in an area of effect, when they’re Frozen, switch to Ganyu and fire away with a level two charged shot which will not only keep them Frozen but it will also deal some major damage, switch between the three of them and use their Skills and Bursts of cooldown. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Xingqui for more Hydro damage.

Team Superconduct (Cryo)

What we have here is a two Cryo users to get the Cryo +25% damage bonus as well as an Electro user to trigger the Superconduct status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Ganyu and cast her Elemental Skill: Trial of The Qilin, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her lotus which will taunt the enemies towards it, use her Elemental Burst: Celestial Shower which will rain down icicles for a period of time, putting the Cryo effect on them and then switch to Fischl and use her Elemental Skill: Nightrider to summon Oz who will provide constant Electro damage over time, alternate between Kaeya and Ganyu to keep Superconduct up. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Beidou for more Electro damage.

Electro Genshin Impact Screenshot

Team Overload (Electro)

What we have here is a two Electro users to get the Electro +25% damage bonus as well as a Pyro user to trigger the Overload status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Bennett and cast his Elemental Burst: Fantastic Voyage to coat the surface in Pyro, switch over to Fishcl to summon Oz via her Elemental Skill: Nightrider and then switch to Keqing and unleash her Elemental Skills and Burst, keep alternating with the three of them for constant Overload damage. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Klee for more Pyro damage.

Team Electro-Charged (Electro)

We have two Electro users to get the Electro +25% damage bonus as well as a Hydro user to trigger the Electro-Charged status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Mona and cast her Elemental Skill: Mirror Reflection of Doom, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her Illusory Phantom which will taunt the enemies towards it, switch over to Fischl and use her Elemental Skill: Nightrider to summon Oz, this will provide constant Electro damage whilst Keqing will be dealing strong Electro damage to the enemies, rotate between the three to keep the effect up. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Tartaglia for more Hydro damage.

Team Superconduct (Electro)

What we have here is a two Electro users to get the Electro +25% damage bonus as well as a Cryo user to trigger the Superconduct status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Chongyun and cast his Elemental Skill: Spirit Blade: Chonghua’s Layered Frost, this will coat the area in Cryo, switch to Fischl and use her Elemental Skill: Nightrider to summon Oz who will provide constant Electro damage over time, alternate between Keqing and Chongyun to keep Superconduct up whilst switching to Fiscl to keep Oz up. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Kaeya for more Cryo damage.

Hydro Genshin Impact Screenshot

Team Vaporise (Hydro)

What we have here is a two Hydro users to get the Hydro +25% damage bonus as well as a Pyro user to trigger the Vaporise status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Bennett and cast his Elemental Burst: Fantastic Voyage to coat the surface in Pyro, switch to Mona and use her Elemental Skill: Mirror Reflection of Doom, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her Illusory Phantom which will taunt the enemies towards it as well as trigger Vaporise, then switch to Tartaglia and use his Skill and Burst for maximum vaporise damage. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Klee if you need to have more Pyro damage.

Team Permafrost (Hydro)

We have two Hydro users to get the Hydro +25% damage bonus as well as a Cryo user to trigger the Frozen status. What this does, is freezes the enemies in place, not allowing them to act for a short while. The aim for this team, is to keep the enemies frozen as much as possible.

Start off with Mona and cast her Elemental Skill: Mirror Reflection of Doom, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her Illusory Phantom which will taunt the enemies towards it, switch over to Chongyun and use his Elemental Skill: Spirit Blade: Chonghua’s Layered Frost which will freeze the enemies in an area of effect, when they’re Frozen, switch to Tartaglia and unleash his Skill and Burst to keep them that way, make switch back to Chongyun to keep up his Elemental Skill. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Ganyu to keep Frozen up more often.

Team Electro-Charged (Hydro)

We have two Hydro users to get the Hydro +25% damage bonus as well as an Electro user to trigger the Electro-Charged status. We also have Venti as support to provide energy regeneration for the party as well as reducing the resistance of the enemies for more damage.

Start off with Mona and cast her Elemental Skill: Mirror Reflection of Doom, what this will do, is group up the enemies towards her Illusory Phantom which will taunt the enemies towards it, switch over to Fischl and use her Elemental Skill: Nightrider to summon Oz, this will provide constant Electro damage, switch to Tartaglia and unleash his Skill and Burst to spread the effect to nearby enemies, rotate between the three to keep the effect up. Switch over to Venti whenever his Elemental Skill and Burst is available for the RES down.

Main DPS Sub DPS 1 Sub DPS 2 Support Notes
Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Genshin Impact Screenshot Venti can be swapped for Beidou to keep Electro-Charged up more often.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Adventure
  • Guide Release
    30 October 2020
  • Last Updated
    31 July 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Genshin Impact includes the following:

  • Based on version 3.0.
  • An interactive Map of Teyvat showing the location of all; Anemoculus, Geoculus, Statues of the Seven, World Quests, Shrines, Plants, Monsters, Enemies, Chests and Minerals.
  • Knowledge on all of the current known regions of Teyvat.
  • Detailed Character pages of all playable characters showing talent trees, skill builds and Ascension tables.
  • Character Tier Lists.
  • Combat Information and Elemental Effects & Combinations.
  • Weapons - Showing the current best and highest rated weapons in the game.
  • All Archon Quests including the new Sumeru Archon Quests.
  • All World Quests that are unlocked by speaking to NPCs through Teyvat. They give insight into the various locations and stories of the world.
  • All Story Quests consisting of chapters related to the background and personalities of each playable character.
  • All Domains laid bare with expert strategies including the new Sumeru Domains.
  • How to conquer the Spiral Abyss.
  • All Weekly Bosses covered with expert strategies.
  • How to get all the optimal outcomes on Hangout Events
  • Housing guide using the Serenitea Pot including a full blueprint and furnishings list.
  • All details on Gardening and Fishing.
  • Bonus Content, including Interviews from voice actors.

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