It floats away carrying beautiful wishes.
Xiao Lanterns are a currency used in the Lantern Rite Event, they are used for a lot of the world quests in the Lantern Rite Tales, they are also used to play the new tower defense game mode “Theater Mechanicus”.
To make these, you’ll need the following items:
(1 of 2) Xiao Lanterns are used for most of the Lantern Rite Events activities
Xiao Lanterns are used for most of the Lantern Rite Events activities (left), Lantern Fiber can be gathered from plants (right)
Lantern Fiber¶
These are gathered whenever you harvest a plant, fruit or even a pinecone! Best ways to accumalate these quickly is to go to places like the big tree in Windrise near the Statue of the Seven where there are lots of Windwheel Asters and Snapdragons to pick up, another great place is the Luhua Pool which has a lot of Lotus Heads amongst other plants.
Wick Material¶
These are dropped from defeating Hilichurls, Fatui, Abyss Mages and animals (Boars, Foxes, Weasels, Cats and Dogs). Normal enemy types will drop one Wick Material whilst the Elite variants will drop two.
A good way to accumalate lots of the Wick Material is by farming the Ley Line Blossom of Revelation as you seem to fight a fair few of Hilichurls in them, on top of that, you can farm Adventure Exp and Hero’s Wits providing you have the spare 20 Original Resin to open the Blossom. Otherwise, the Hilichurls camps in Wolvendom, Windrise or Dadaupa Gorge.
(1 of 2) Wick Material are best obtained by farming Hilichurls
Wick Material are best obtained by farming Hilichurls (left), Plaustrite Shards can be found in ore deposits. (right)
Plaustrite Shard¶
These are obtained from mining any type of ore deposit or defeating Geovishaps (and Hatchlings) and Stonehide Lawachurls although it is quicker to farm the ores.
By teleporting to the Spiral Abyss, head west a little and you’ll notice five ore deposits which will give you five Plaustrite Shards. Now teleport to the Dragonspine adventure camp, head north until you reach Dadaupa Gorges chasm and drop into it to find several ore deposits down there. Finally, teleport to the Brightcrown Canyon waypoint and head northwest a little and drop of the ledge to find seven ore deposits. Doing just these three places should net you at least 20+ Plaustrite Shards, there are more places to farm ore deposits but these are some of the quickest to get.
(1 of 3) Musk Reef hosts a fair few ore deposits just to the west of the Spiral Abyss entrance
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