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Genshin Impact

Test of Courage

Matt Chard
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How to complete Test of Courage

To begin this quest, go to the Quest menu, then go to the Story sub-menu and then go to the second page. This is where you will find all the Hangout Events in the future. Click on Chongyun and confirm, a popup will now appear and ask if you want to spend two story keys to unlock “Signs of Evil”, confirm that, and you’ll get the first quest. To earn Story Keys, you need to complete eight daily commissions.

What are daily commissions?

Daily commissions are the purple quest icon in-game. You get four every day, and they reward you with 250 Adventure EXP for each quest as well as a small amount of Primogems, after eight of these commissions are completed, you’ll receive a story key. The quests themselves are normally short, defeat enemy type quests.

Chongyun looking at the dilapidated house in Wuwang Hill.


Use the Timeline to plan the path you want to take.

(1 of 2) Use these Timelines to help you navigated what branch to take

Use these Timelines to help you navigated what branch to take (left), Ending 5 can’t be seen on this image, but it follows on from Branch 5. (right)

Go to Wuwang Hill and take part in the Test of Courage (To Take a Test of Courage)

Teleport to the lower Wuwang Hill Waypoint and head north until you reach Uncle Jia, speak to him. He’ll explain the Test of Courage, and mention a drink that the participants need to take which will boost your yang energy which heightens your senses to see ghosts. Chongyun hasn’t heard of this drink before, and seems skeptical of drinking it. Eventually, Chongyun will say…Hmm, it’s hard to refuse when you put it that way… which’ll give you two choices:

“Let’s both drink it. If you lose control, I’ll be sure to take care of you.”

Choosing this option will unlock Sudden Discomfort quest further down the line.

“Just let me drink it alone”

Choosing this option will unlock Even Deeper quest further down the line.

After you have picked your choice, head to the site of the Test of courage.

Go to the Site of the Test of Courage

Follow the path northeast, and you’ll get a scene. Chongyun appears to take the test too seriously and thinks that the people here could be in danger from evil spirits. You’ll get a choice, but both options lead to the same outcome. Although you have tried to dissuade him that it’s just a game, he seems intent on making sure there are no evil spirits around.

Look around for any sign of evil spirits (0/3)

Head northeast, and you’ll notice two couples around and a Strange Smoke, interact with them in any order and here is where your previous choice about the drinking the potion alone or with Chongyun plays out.

If you drank the potion alone

Proceed onward and look for information

Walk north a little to trigger a scene and Chongyun will tell you that he’ll stay here so he doesn’t alert any spirits, this’ll end the quest and lead you the following quest: Even Deeper - Do Not Alert Your Quarry.

If Chongyun also drank the potion

It appears the potion you drank earlier on is having a negative effect on Chongyun because of the excess yang energy. Chongyun will say…If there’s too much yang energy, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to control myself. Even though you were willing to accompany me this far, I don’t want to cause you any further trouble. This’ll give you two options to choose from:

Sure, just have a rest. I’ll continue investigating on my own.

If you pick this option, head to the new quest: The Bottom of Things - (No Wasted Effort)

Let me help you find a place to rest.

If you pick this option, head to the new quest: Sudden Discomfort - (Cryo Whopperflower Recipe) / (Cryo Slime Condensate Recipe)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
  • Genre
    Action RPG, Adventure
  • Guide Release
    30 October 2020
  • Last Updated
    31 July 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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This guide for Genshin Impact includes the following:

  • Based on version 3.0.
  • An interactive Map of Teyvat showing the location of all; Anemoculus, Geoculus, Statues of the Seven, World Quests, Shrines, Plants, Monsters, Enemies, Chests and Minerals.
  • Knowledge on all of the current known regions of Teyvat.
  • Detailed Character pages of all playable characters showing talent trees, skill builds and Ascension tables.
  • Character Tier Lists.
  • Combat Information and Elemental Effects & Combinations.
  • Weapons - Showing the current best and highest rated weapons in the game.
  • All Archon Quests including the new Sumeru Archon Quests.
  • All World Quests that are unlocked by speaking to NPCs through Teyvat. They give insight into the various locations and stories of the world.
  • All Story Quests consisting of chapters related to the background and personalities of each playable character.
  • All Domains laid bare with expert strategies including the new Sumeru Domains.
  • How to conquer the Spiral Abyss.
  • All Weekly Bosses covered with expert strategies.
  • How to get all the optimal outcomes on Hangout Events
  • Housing guide using the Serenitea Pot including a full blueprint and furnishings list.
  • All details on Gardening and Fishing.
  • Bonus Content, including Interviews from voice actors.

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