(1 of 2) Your opponent is a Frost Talus.
Your opponent is a Frost Talus. (left), Turn right and melt this large ice block. (right)
Difficulty | Monsters |
★★★★★★☆☆☆☆ | Frost Talus x1 |
This is the penultimate boss floor of the snowy section. In the center is a sleeping Frost Talus. Near the corner on the right and the opposite corner are large pointy ice blocks that you can melt to reveal air vents.
You can basically use the same strategy for the Igneo Talus, but you’ll want to shoot the Frost Talus with a Fire Arrow instead to warm it up and prevent its body from freezing you. You can also warm it with the Meteor Rod or the Flamespear, although the latter should be used as a last resort, since you must get close–putting you at risk of being frozen.
(1 of 2) Glide towards the Talus and shoot it with a Fire Arrow.
Glide towards the Talus and shoot it with a Fire Arrow. (left), After its body becomes stone, land/climb on top and whack the weak spot with the Stone Smasher. (right)
First things first, turn right and melt the giant ice block to reveal an air vent. Then stroll towards the Talus in the center and roll/throw a bomb at it. Wait for the Talus to wake up, the detonate the bomb and run towards the air vent. Now glide upwards and then fly towards the Talus. As soon as you can, shoot a Fire Arrow at its body.
If successful, the Talus’s body will warm up and appear black. Land on top of the Talus and attack the ore deposit weak spot. We recommend charging a spinning attack with the Stone Smasher. Should you take too long, the Talus will shrug you off and its body will become frozen again–in which case, return to the air vent and repeat the process.
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