A guide on how to complete Sah Dahaj Shrine, found east of Eldin Tower, on the northern bank of Cephla Lake.
(1 of 2) Sah Dahaj Shrine is found east of Eldin Tower
Sah Dahaj Shrine is found east of Eldin Tower (left), and it is titled ‘Power of Fire’. (right)
How to Complete Sah Dahaj: Power of Fire¶
First off you’ll want to hit the lit sconce on the left to knock it over so that it lights the leaves on fire and reveals a path into the next room. In the next room, you’ll have to take out a Guardian Scout that’s guarding a ladder into the third area.
Use the fire to burn the leaves to reveal an entrance into the next area!
In this area, you’ll need to shoot down the rope holding the fire lantern hanging over head so that it drops into the leaves and burns a path to the final area.
In the final section, you can grab some treasure to the right by lighting the leaves beneath the wooden platform on fire so that the chest drops down. You can do this by either shooting a fire lantern down or lighting a torch on fire and walking up the leaves on the wall. The chest contains a Royal Bow with Attack Up +9!
(1 of 2) Burn the leaves beneath the wooden platform
Burn the leaves beneath the wooden platform (left), so you can grab the treasure chest and loot it for a Royal Bow. (right)
Next, you’ll need to use your lit torch or shoot the lanterns on the left hand side of the fence up ahead to light the leaves on fire. Your goal here is to light the leaves on fire so that they then reach the wooden crate behind the fence and drop the stone platform onto the button. Repeat the process on the right side, to then break the other wooden box. Once you’ve done that, the stone slab will drop onto the button and open the gate to the end of the shrine where you can claim your Spirit Orb!
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