(1 of 2) This sidequest essentially informs you that Great Fairy Fountains exist and there’s more than one
This sidequest essentially informs you that Great Fairy Fountains exist and there’s more than one (left), In this case, there is a Great Fairy Fountain in the Tabantha region (right)
A Gift For the Great Fairy¶
Toren at the Tabantha Bridge Stable longs to meet the Great Fairy. Unfortunately, he has about given up on the prospect. So he will give you 500 Rupees and ask that you make the offering for him.
(1 of 2) Here is the precise location of the Great Fairy Fountain
Here is the precise location of the Great Fairy Fountain (left), We put a star over it so that we can remember in the future where it is (right)
The Great Fairy Fountain is located north of the Tabantha Bridge Stable and south of the Rito Village nestled in the mountains, near where a flying Guardian patrols the path. If this is not your first Great Fairy Fountain, it might cost you more than 500 Rupees.
Once you have opened up the Great Fairy Founta in the Tabantha region, tell Toren about it to finish up this sidequest. No reward for you, unfortunately. But now you get to enjoy upgrading your armor!
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