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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Divine Beast Vah Ruta Dungeon

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a guide on how to complete the Divine Beast Vah Ruta Dungeon, including where to find all terminals.

Inside Divine Beast Vah Ruta

(1 of 2) These eyes are frequently found in all four of the Divine Beasts but are easy to destroy

These eyes are frequently found in all four of the Divine Beasts but are easy to destroy (left), This Guardian Scout has very little health, especially now that you have better gear. (right)

As you enter you will see the entryway guarded by a gross-looking eye. This enemy will show up frequently inside the Divine Beasts and is part of Ganon’s corruption. Shoot it, throw a bomb at it, or whack it with a weapon to destroy it.

Up ahead is a Guardian Scout. It has the same level of health and power as the very first Guardian Scout you fought in Oman Au Shrine; that is, it is pitifully weak and can only tickle you with its eye missile. Dispatch of it and to go your left.

You can see the Guardian Stone behind a gate. Before we go ahead and get past it though, use Magnesis to pull up a treasure chest hiding under the water. Open it for an Ancient Spring

(1 of 3) The eye is underwater but can still be destroyed with something as simple as a Bomb

Destroy the eye that is above and to the right of the gate. Then go up to the gate and, just like in the Great Plateau, use Cryonis to push up the gate. Slip underneath and activate the Guardian Stone. Mipha will speak to you again, telling you that you now have a map of the Divine Beast. There are five terminals located all across the Divine Beast and you will need to activate all of them to win back Vah Ruta.

The terminals are marked on your map. We will be covering the terminals in the order of closest to furthest.

Terminal 1

(1 of 2) Rotate the right analog stick carefully to turn the lever

Rotate the right analog stick carefully to turn the lever (left), The first terminal will emerge from the water (right)

Go back to the first room you were just in and locate the large gears on the wall. Use Magnesis to turn the lever and spin the gears. Doing so will lift the first terminal out from under the water, allowing you to activate it.

Terminal 2

(1 of 2) Don’t bump into those purple things

Don’t bump into those purple things (left), This room is home to the second puzzle for the second terminal (right)

Head outside the Divine Beast through the exit across from the entrance and go up the ramp. Inside the second floor room will be another Guardian Scout, this time equipped with a sword. Kill it and you can pick up its Guardian Sword.

(1 of 2) Place the ice block right here as shown

Place the ice block right here as shown (left), The treasure chest is on the left side of the top of the wall. (right)

This room has two large wheels, one on the left and one on the right. The left one is the one that concerns us right now, but first let’s go claim another treasure chest. Run up to the wall and place an ice block using Cryonis right in the corner of the water pool. Climb up it and turn to your left on top of the wall for a silver Rupee worth 100 Rupees. We’re rich!

The second terminal is actually inside the big gear. In order for us to access it, we will need to block up the flow of water right when the terminal is at the bottom of the gear. Use Cryonis to block the water flow and then walk into the gear and activate the second terminal.

(1 of 2) You will need to be precise with your aim or else Cryonis will be unable to activate

You will need to be precise with your aim or else Cryonis will be unable to activate (left), Make sure you plug the waterfall when the terminal is accessible like shown. (right)

Terminal 3

(1 of 2) You can see the puzzle from the second floor but you will need to go up to the third floor to interact with it

You can see the puzzle from the second floor but you will need to go up to the third floor to interact with it (left), Aim for that eye you see up top to destroy this entire formation (right)

That larger wheel to the right is where our next terminal is. We can certainly see it from here, but to interact with it we will need to ascend to the third floor of Vah Ruta. Head out of the exist and work your way up the ramp.

In the middle is another bit of Ganon, this time complete with a mouth that will continually spit floating enemies at you until you destroy the eye on the top of the left wall. Shoot it and the whole formation will disappear.

(1 of 2) Now on the third floor, you can finally manipulate this puzzle

Now on the third floor, you can finally manipulate this puzzle (left), Move Vah Ruta’s trunk up to this mark, the fourth from the bottom. (right)

Enter the third floor and you can finally interact directly with the puzzle. The wheel is currently stationary, so in order to make it spin we will need to adjust Vah Ruta’s trunk. The Divine Beast is constantly spouting water from its trunk. If we can get it to spout water onto the wheel, it will move. Open up your Sheikah Slate and move the trunk to the shown mark in the image gallery above.

(1 of 2) Use Stasis at this moment when the ball is about to slip off the switch

Use Stasis at this moment when the ball is about to slip off the switch (left), Then go inside to the terminal housing to activate the terminal (right)

Water will pour in and the wheel will move. You will see that as the ball hits the top of the wheel, gravity enable sit to slide downward and hit a switch which opens up the gate to the terminal that is almost rotating inside the wheel. Use Stasis at the right moment and then enter the terminal. You will want to time Stasis such that you use it right before the ball will fall back off the switch, or else the Stasis will wear off before the terminal rotates up to you.

(1 of 2) You can see the treasure chest sandwiched between two blocks

You can see the treasure chest sandwiched between two blocks (left), Use Stasis on the top block so it doesn’t pin down the treasure chest (right)

Before we head to the next terminal, there is a treasure chest we can open here too. The treasure chest is sandwiched between two platforms that also slide around depending on where it is in the wheel. As the treasure chest plus its platforms slide down, the top platform takes a little while longer to settle. Use Stasis on the top platform while it has slid off the chest to open it for an Ancient Core.

Terminal 4

(1 of 2) Stand between the two wheels, facing the right wheel that contained the third terminal

Stand between the two wheels, facing the right wheel that contained the third terminal (left), Then jump onto one of its spokes to ride it up to the fourth floor (right)

This next terminal is a bit farther away than these last three. First, return back to the second floor and position yourself right between both spinning wheels. The Stasis puzzle wheel has a lot of wide spokes. When ready, jump onto one. Make sure it doesn’t have any corruption spots on it. There is an eyeball hanging off the bottom of one of the spokes. If you run into it, destroy it.

(1 of 2) This Guardian Scout has a bit more health than the previous two

This Guardian Scout has a bit more health than the previous two (left), Activate the orange switch to your left for a nifty shortcut to appear. (right)

Ride the wheel up the the top and then jump off onto the fourth floor of Vah Ruta. You will be confronted by another Guardian Scout, this time holding a spear with a bit more health than the last one. If it falls off, it will respawn so kill it. Unfortunately, you cannot pick up its spear.

Activate the orange floor switch to your left to create a waterfall. If you ever find yourself unintentionally dropping down to the second floor, you can ride this waterfall up with your Zora armor for a quick shortcut.

(1 of 4) Run through this hallway up ahead.

Run through the hallway and you will find yourself exiting Vah Ruta through the forehead. Move the trunk down to the lowest possible level. Now you can Paraglide down and run along it. Open up the treasure chest on the trunk for an Ancient Shaft.

(1 of 2) Aim for this section of Vah Ruta’s forehead, where you can see an opening

Aim for this section of Vah Ruta’s forehead, where you can see an opening (left), As the trunk raises, you will need to jump off before the platform is too slanted to stand on (right)

To get to the next terminal we need to get to Vah Ruta’s forehead area. To do this, stand on a ledge above the treasure chest, as far up as you can. Then, move the trunk up to the highest position. As the trunk moves, you will be lifted higher and higher. Jump off and Paraglide to the forehead. This might take a few tries, but you can always reset the trunk to be horizontal and try again.

(1 of 2) Jump down this hole

Jump down this hole (left), Another one of Ganon’s eyeballs is hanging out on the ceiling so destroy it (right)

Once you land on Vah Ruta’s forehead, drop down the rectangular hole and you will land on the upper floor inside the Divine Beast. You will see that the fourth terminal is below you and is surrounded by fire. Defeat the eyeball on the ceiling.

(1 of 3) Use Magnesis to turn the lever. It will rotate 3 or 4 times and then stop

Use Magnesis on the lever to spin the gears. After a few spins it will no longer spin. Then, move Vah Ruta’s trunk to the fifth position from the top. Vah Ruta’s water spout will spray directly onto the flames, extinguishing them. Drop down and activate the terminal.

(1 of 2) Go in the opposite direction the terminal is facing to reach this ledge

Go in the opposite direction the terminal is facing to reach this ledge (left), The Knight’s Halberd is a strong, good quality weapon to have (right)

There is another treasure chest right next to the terminal so let’s grab it. Go forward from the shrine to the ledge and fall down. You will drop off onto another ledge sticking out from the wall. Open the treasure chest for a Knight’s Halberd.

Terminal 5

We finally are at the last terminal. Return to the tip of the elephant’s trunk by Paragliding from the hallway we used earlier with the trunk lowered down all the way. This time, try to land on the ledge sticking out from the trunk. We are going to take a small detour first to claim another treasure chest on Vah Ruta’s back.

(1 of 2) You can shoot at the eyeball from the sky too if you want

You can shoot at the eyeball from the sky too if you want (left), The treasure chest is on the left side of Vah Ruta’s back. (right)

Again, raise the trunk up all the way. Stand on the very top of Vah Ruta’s trunk so that you can be stable for a longer period of time, allowing you more height to Paraglide. The treasure chest is on the left side of Vah Ruta’s back, but it will not be accessible until you defeat the Ganon corruption on the right. So Paraglide to the right and destroy the eye.

You can get to the treasure chest on the left by repeating this process, and instead Paragliding to the left, or you can actually jump carefully to Vah Ruta’s crest and run across it, then use jumping and Paragliding to get to the left side. The treasure chest contains 10 Ice Arrows, so it is well worth the detour.

Lower the trunk again and Paraglide again to the tip of the trunk. Now, raise Vah Ruta’s trunk to the third position from the bottom. This will make the very tip of its trunk flat, so you can walk onto it. Go forward and look down and you will see the fifth terminal is sideways on the trunk!

(1 of 2) Wait for the trunk to slowly curl and rotate

Wait for the trunk to slowly curl and rotate (left), Now walk onto what is now the new floor and activate the terminal (right)

Raise Vah Ruta’s trunk to the third position from the top. As you do this, the terminal will become vertical and you can walk right up to it and activate it. Mipha will congratulate you on a job well done, and notify you that the main control unit of Divine Beast Vah Ruta has opened up. If you activate it, you can flush out Ganon and Mipha will regain control.

Return to the room where you first entered the Divine Beast. You will see a newly appeared staircase that leads to a wide open chamber with a larger pedestal at the end. When you activate it you’ll be required to defeat the boss, Waterblight Ganon!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    Switch, Wii U
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    5 April 2018
  • Last Updated
    27 June 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Cassie Sun

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