This page offers a walkthrough of the Ja Baij Shrine: Bomb Trial, which is a part of The Isolated Plateau quest.
How to Get the Warm Doublet from the Old Man¶
Before heading for the shrine you may want to take a quick detour. This detour is entirely optional but will make the next two Shrines much easier to access. It will also take us to a place filled with gathering points, a Bokoblin camp to raid, some useful treasure chests, and a cooking pot! So it definitely will be worth it to drop by.
(1 of 2) Must be hard for the Old Man to have to cut trees down with his bad back
Must be hard for the Old Man to have to cut trees down with his bad back (left), stop by his house for some free stuff! (right)
The old man might be around cutting at trees. If you talk to him, he will tell you how you can cut down trees to make firewood, which is a very useful tip. After that, he will walk back to his house, which you can loot for all sorts of goodies. Go inside to grab ingredients like peppers.
Everything inside is free for grabs.
The Old Man’s Diary is sitting on a table by the peppers. Read it for a few starter recipes plus a hint that he might give you a Warm Doublet if you can help him remember a certain combination of food.
(1 of 2) Just throw your stuff into the pot
Just throw your stuff into the pot (left), Don’t you wish cooking in real life were this easy? (right)
If you go back outside you will also see a fire and a Cooking Pot. All of those ingredients like mushrooms and apples will come in handy now. Cook them in all sorts of combinations and ratios to create some awesome healing items that will help you on your quest.
The next two shrines are located near Mount Hylia, a mountain in the Great Plateau with cold weather. Without any sort of protection, you will gradually lose health until you die, so it’s highly recommended that you take the time to grab the Warm Doublet now. There are three ways to get the Warm Doublet:
(1 of 2) Use your Bombs to kill the fish
Use your Bombs to kill the fish (left), Show your recipe to the Old Man. (right)
The first method involves helping the Old Man. Go to any pond in the Great Plateau with fish swimming in it. Those are Hyrule Bass, the missing ingredient for the Old Man’s recipe. Use the Sheikah Slate’s Bomb power to kill all the fish without using resources. Cook the fish with raw meat and pepper and then talk to the Old Man and tell him you cooked something.
If you choose to brave the cold, take a detour and climb up to the summit of Mount Hylia. The Old Man will Paraglide in and give you the Warm Doublet for free.
Finally, if you have completed The Isolated Plateau you can return to the Old Man’s house and you will find he has left the Warm Doublet there for you to take. Or you can buy one at Hateno Village later in the game for 80 Rupees.
If you choose to obtain the Warm Doublet through the first method, the Old Man will give it to you right then and there at his cooking pot. Equip it instead of your Worn Shirt and you are now impervious to the cold! It’s a shame the Warm Doublet provides no additional defense but at least it can keep you…well, warm.
How to Reach Owa Daim Shrine: Stasis Trial¶
(1 of 2) If not all the Bokoblins are wiped out, the treasure chest will be inaccessible
If not all the Bokoblins are wiped out, the treasure chest will be inaccessible (left), Honey, when cooked with other ingredients, gives you food that heals a lot of hearts! (right)
Now that we have the Warm Doublet, let’s take one final detour. There is a Bokoblin camp nearby. If you wipe them out, you will notice that a treasure chest previously locked will unlock itself for you. Bokoblin camps with a treasure chest in tow are well worth raiding so that you can claim their goodies. The treasure chest will contain a Throwing Spear. These treasure chests will respawn every Blood Moon.
Additionally make sure you bomb the wooden fence behind the camp and you can collect important cooking items like Honey, plus a stash of very valuable Bomb Arrows. Don’t waste these for now.
(1 of 2) Be careful as you walk across
Be careful as you walk across (left), Save these for later, don’t waste them now. (right)
This will be the last stop before we continue on our quest. Cross the chasm west of the Old Man’s house by cutting down a tree and crossing it like a bridge. Kill any Bokoblins nearby that try to chase you and then Bomb the nearby cracked wall to discover Fire Arrows. Stash them for later.
(1 of 2) You can also stay warm with fire!
You can also stay warm with fire! (left), Climb down carefully to the shrine. Do not fall. (right)
To get to the next shrine on the map you will have go to north, since you do not have enough stamina to climb the cliffs to get directly there. You will know when you have arrived at Mount Hylia. The weather immediately becomes very cold and snowy, and the background music will change.
Besides wearing the Warm Doublet, there’s a few other ways to ward yourself from the cold:
- Cook food that will give you cold-immune effects. The duration of protection depends on how much food you cook but if you have some peppers you can make it from shrine to shrine (or the summit of Mount Hylia) and live to tell the tale.
- Hold fire. You can light a wooden weapon like a club on fire and then just walk through the cold holding it up in the air. Just be careful. If you run into enemies or you put away your weapon the effect will disappear! Your walking speed is also slowed.
We actually didn’t notice this until after we completed the trial so don’t miss it!
The Owa Daim Shrine is located on an isolated ledge so you will have to climb down to get to it. Stop by one of the ledges to pick up an Iron Sledgehammer. It is a slow weapon but has high durability and power.
How to Complete Owa Daim Shrine: Stasis Trial¶
When you have finally made your way safely down the cliff, you will arrive at the oddly placed Owa Daim Shrine. Place your Sheikah Slate on the pedestal to begin the trial.
This trial will present to you a fairly unique, new power.
As usual you will need to inspect the nearby pedestal because yet another power awaits you: Stasis. Stasis will let you control an object’s time. Sound confusing or odd? You have an opportunity to try it out right in front of you.
(1 of 2) Aim your Stasis cursor at that gear
Aim your Stasis cursor at that gear (left), Freeze it at the right time! (right)
To see how it works, try using Stasis on the gear that is responsible for turning the rotating platform. Try to freeze the gear right as the platform is horizontal. The gear’s “time” is now frozen, enabling you to walk across the platform to the next stage of the shrine. After a short period of time, the gear will “catch up” all of its time and resume as normal.
(1 of 2) You won’t be able to make it up the ramp in time before another ball is dropped down
You won’t be able to make it up the ramp in time before another ball is dropped down (left), Freeze it before it falls off the ledge. (right)
Ahead of you, a ramp seems to have a ball constantly rolling down it. If you try and run, you’ll get squashed. Right as the ball is about to roll off the edge, freeze it again with Stasis. During this time, no new balls will be dropped since this ball is still here. Run up the ramp and then go to your right to the small protruding ledge to restore your stamina.
(1 of 2) Another treasure chest awaits us!
Another treasure chest awaits us! (left), Shields are very important in this game. (right)
Ahead of you is another short ramp, and at the end of it is this shrine’s treasure chest. Pop it open for a Traveler’s Shield. Shields are invaluable, allowing you to safely fight and parry with your enemies, so equip it if you don’t have a shield already. If you already have something like a Pot Lid or a Bokoblin Shield, this shield is more durable.
(1 of 2) Here is yet another free Iron Sledgehammer!
Here is yet another free Iron Sledgehammer! (left), Time to see yet another way Stasis can be used. (right)
Go back down the ramp that led you to the treasure chest and continue forward. You will see an Iron Sledgehammer leaning against a wall. Go ahead and grab it, especially if you do not already have one.
In front of you is a lone ball. Here is where you get to see the awesome part of Stasis.
(1 of 2) Freeze…
Freeze… (left), and hit! (right)
Freeze the ball using Stasis and begin to hit it with the Iron Sledgehammer. Wack at it as hard as you can! An arrow will appear that will grow longer. That means you’re doing it right.
Once Stasis ends, the ball will be sent flying through the air because of all of its stored energy, freeing up the path for you to go forward. You can use this technique on any sort of heavy object Stasis can affect.
The last stretch of the shrine will lead you to the monk, indicating that the trial is finished. Inspect the blue veil and claim your Spirit Orb.
Once you are back outside, you will want to climb up back the way you came and begin to make your way north to the last shrine.
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