Eating these won’t replenish your health, but cooking it will provide a long-lasting heat resistance effect.
This medicinal plant grows in high elevations, such as mountains in the Hebra or Gerudo regions. When cooked into a dish, it will temporarily increase your heat resistance.
Recipe Effect:
- Prefix: Chilly
- Potency: Level 1 (+1 point)
- Duration: +2 minutes 30 seconds
Where to Find¶
(1 of 4) Cool Safflina locations in the eastern Gerudo Highlands.
Cool Safflina typically grow in tall, cold places–namely the Hebra Mountains and the Gerudo Highlands.
(1 of 2) The Great Fairy Fountain in the Gerudo Desert
The Great Fairy Fountain in the Gerudo Desert (left), Search around the fountain to find up to seven Cool Safflina. (right)
There’s also another place where you can conveniently find many Cool Safflina, as well as other kinds of Safflina: the Great Fairy Fountain in the south-west corner of the Gerudo Desert.
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