A guide on how to complete the Daqa Koh Shrine, found north of Gorko Lake, near the Bridge of Eldin in the Eldin Region.
(1 of 2) Daqa Koh Shrine is found near the Bridge of Eldin
Daqa Koh Shrine is found near the Bridge of Eldin (left), the shrine is all about paragliding! (right)
How to Complete the Daqa Koh: Stalled Flight¶
This shrine is fairly straightforward but timing is key and might take a couple of tries to get the timing right. First you’ll want to stand on the bottom platform beneath the larger cube at the center of the room. When you stand on the bottom platform in the hole, you’ll be flung into the air and you can then paraglide onto the cube.
Before we finish up the shrine, you’ll want to grab the treasure from the chest on the back wall of the shrine. You can do this by paragliding off the cube when its at its highest point. Inside the chest you’ll find 100 Silver Rupees! After grabbing the chest you’ll need to repeat the process outlined above to get back onto the top of the cube.
You’ll notice that every time the cube goes up and hits the highest point of its ascent, the gate to the end of the shrine momentarily opens up. If you perfectly time stasis, you’ll be able to freeze the cube at its highest point, causing the gate to remain long enough for you to paraglide down to the shrine’s end where you can grab a Spirit Orb and finish up.
(1 of 2) Use stasis to freeze the cube at the top of its ascent
Use stasis to freeze the cube at the top of its ascent (left), so you have enough time to get through the gate to finish the shrine. (right)
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