A guide on how to complete Ishto Soh Shrine, found southwest of Lake Tower.
(1 of 2) This shrine is found southwest of Lake Region
This shrine is found southwest of Lake Region (left), and is titled ‘Bravery’s Grasp’. (right)
How to Complete Ishto Soh: Bravery’s Grasp¶
To begin, you’ll want to head down to the bottom of the shrine and pick up the laser near the back. Then, place it on the moving platform. Each time the laser hits the orange crystal it will activate it and cause different platforms and blocks around the room raise/lower. Once you’ve done that, head back to the top of the shrine and paraglide down onto the moving platforms on the other side of the room. You’ll want to wait until half the blocks are about to be lowered. After landing on those blocks, wait for them to rise again and walk onto a block to your left or right.
(1 of 2) Place the laser on the platform
Place the laser on the platform (left), and then wait for some of the blocks to at their lowest point so you can reach them by paragliding. (right)
After the crystal is hit again, the second set of blocks will rise and you can run over to a block at the center with a treasure chest, which you can loot for an Ancient Core. Head towards the end of the shrine across the platforms until you can paraglide from the high platforms to the platforms to the right. Then, you’ll need to make your way up to the end of the shrine by waiting for the various blocks to lower and raise in a step like motion. After doing this a few times, you’ll be able to finish up and claim your Spirit Orb!
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