(1 of 2) This sidequest is a long, but not difficult
This sidequest is a long, but not difficult (left), You need to have calmed Divine Beast Vah Ruta first (right)
Zora Stone Monuments¶
To kick off this sidequest you have to have first completed the main quest “Divine Beast Vah Ruta”. You can learn more about it here.
Talk to Jiahto at Zora’s Domain. He is inspecting a lone stone slab and will tell you that there are ten scattered around Zora’s Domain. He asks if you can help him by finding them all and then reporting what is written on them.
We will cover the locations of the stones in order of which part of the story they tell. Some stones are better gotten out of order if you’re looking to get them in one fell swoop with minimal fast traveling, but almost all of them are easily reachable by fast traveling to Vah Ruta’s spot (where Vah Ruta settles once calmed and purified) and Paragliding somewhere.
Make sure you actually press [A] and read the monuments or else they won’t count as discovered. Any stone monuments you might have accidentally run into and read will already count, but if you can’t remember what you have found it’s worth going over your tracks.
If you are ever at a loss for where to find the next stone, talk to Jiahto. He wil give you hints of the general area where the next stone is.
Part 1¶
(1 of 3) The first monument is surrounded by grass
On the path you took in “Reach Zora’s Domain is the first stone slab. It is west of Luto’s Crossing and is right off the path before it begins to bend and curl.
Part 2¶
(1 of 3) This monument is located right on the side of the cliff on a very small ledge
This stone is northwest of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. It is out on side of the cliff, so if you Paraglide to the top of said cliff you won’t see it. Look for the trademark twin blue lights that are near every stone monument.
Part 3¶
(1 of 4) You can see the monument from the edge of the cliff
This stone is west of the midpoint of Great Zora Bridge. It is visible from midpoint, actually, making it especially easy to Paraglide to and read.
Part 4¶
(1 of 3) This monument is surrounded by shallow puddles of water
This stone is south of the east end of Luto’s Bridge and west of Ruto’s Mountain. It is below a waterfall.
Part 5¶
(1 of 4) You can Paraglide from Divine Beast Vah Ruta’s location
This stone is northwest of Divine Beast Vah Ruta, at the southeastern corner of the Zodobon Highland. You can easily paraglide here from where Divine Beast Vah Ruta rests.
Part 6¶
(1 of 3) This monument is tucked into the side of the cliff
This stone monument is east of Divine Beast Vah Ruta. Again, you can Paraglide to it. It is west of Rutala Dam and is tucked underneath the cliff where there are trees. So if you are surrounded by trees and do not see the monument, Paraglide a level down.
Part 7¶
(1 of 3) This monument actually gives a hint as to where the Zora Helm is located
This stone is partially worn out and hard to decipher. It is at the end of the path you took when you had to survive “Reach Zora’s Domain” near the beginning of the Great Zora Bridge.
Again, you can Paraglide here from Divine Beast Vah Ruta.
Addendum 1¶
(1 of 3) This monument is near a bunch of boxes
You can Paraglide from Divine Beast Vah Ruta to reach this stone. Go northeast across the river, the monument is right behind an Electric Wizzrobe and is northeast of the east end of Luto’s Crossing (and north of Ruto Mountains).
Addendum 2¶
(1 of 3) This monument can be seen by going past the purple bushes
This stone is south of Lulu Lake. Exit Zora’s Domain as if going to Ploymous Mountains using the Zora Armor. Ascend the waterfalls of Mikau Lake and instead of going up Lulu Lake, go southeast and you will see the monument.
Memoir Stone¶
(1 of 3) This Memoir Stone is located in the side of a series of tall cliffs
This stone is southeast of Upload Zorana and nestled in a cliffside again. So if you don’t see it but you are in the right place as indicated by the above screenshots, try dropping down with your Paraglider.
Climb up the waterfalls north of Zora’s Domain and then climb up the cliffs for an easy Paraglide point.
(1 of 2) Not sure if this was worth it or not
Not sure if this was worth it or not (left), But now Jiahto can preserve important Zora history (right)
Once you have found all of the stone monuments, return to Jiahto and he will give you a Diamond for your efforts.
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