(1 of 2) This Shrine will teach you a bit more about Cryonis.
This Shrine will teach you a bit more about Cryonis. (left), This is the location of the Shrine. (right)
Ha Dahamar Shrine¶
This shrine is all about the proper use of Cryonis to get to your destination. If you do this Shrine early on in the game, this can also help you get more acquainted with Cryonis.
(1 of 2) Since this is a Shrine, you cannot climb walls
Since this is a Shrine, you cannot climb walls (left), You can place the block anywhere, the water won’t run you off. (right)
The first obstacle in front of you can be solved by creating an ice block that will get you the height you need to move forward.
(1 of 2) Don’t fall off!
Don’t fall off! (left), You will likely need to make multiple blocks. (right)
The next gap, however, only has a falling waterfall. Thankfully, Cryonis works even on vertical waterfalls! So make an ice block near you and once you have cleared it, make another ice block to create “stairs” and clear the gap.
(1 of 2) Just flip the camera around the moment you get to the other side.
Just flip the camera around the moment you get to the other side. (left), We’re rich! Well, not really. (right)
Once you are across, turn around and you will see a treasure chest. Again, create a small set of “stairs” using Cryonis to reach the chest. You will receive a Purple Rupee, which has the value of 50 Rupees. Sweet.
Go back down your “stairs” and continue into a very spacious chamber. Run up to the very top of the staircase and you will see that a ball needs to get to a hollow on the floor to open the gate that leads to the monk. Obviously, we cannot do anything to the ball ourselves, but Cryonis can definitely do the job for us since the whole wall is covered with water.
(1 of 2) You want the ball to not hit that leftmost ramp.
You want the ball to not hit that leftmost ramp. (left), Use this picture as a guide for placing the remaining two blocks. (right)
Place one block above the middle platform to keep the ball from rolling into the abyss. Then place another ball under the left side of the see-saw so that it cannot tip. Finally, place an ice block after the end of the see-saw so that the ball can roll far enough to drop onto the platform. Without this block, the ball won’t have enough momentum or distance and will drop into nothing right before the platform.
The gates will then open. Go back down the stairs and to the left to meet with the monk and claim your Spirit Orb.
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