This page will offer a walkthrough on the Flight Range quest which is a part of the Divine Beast Vah Medoh quest in Rito Village, in the Tebantha Region.
Main Quest: Divine Beast Vah Medoh¶
(1 of 2) Saki is the sweet pink Rito next door to the Elder
Saki is the sweet pink Rito next door to the Elder (left), Paraglide off of Revali’s Landing (right)
Once you reach Rito Village, you’ll need to speak with Teba’s wife, Saki. She is the pink Rito next door and she will tell you that Teba is currently training at the Flight Range, a Rito training area north of here. She will also show you Revali’s Landing, which is where you can Paraglide off of to get to the Flight Range. As you look at Revali’s Landing, you will remember a memory of Revali, the Champion of Vah Medoh. Again, this will not count towards Captured Memories.
Do you have max cold resistance? If so, let’s head out. Paraglide off of Revali’s Landing and land near Rito Stable, a handy checkpoint. From there, work your way around the lake following the footpath. If you do not have maxed out cold resistance, go to the armor shop at Rito Village and buy the Snowquill Trousers.
Along the way you will pass by the Rito Stable. This marks the change in weather from fairly temperate to bitter cold.
As you begin to work your way around the northern half of the lake, beware Ice Octoroks which are hiding beneath the ground. There are a lot of animals here that only exist in the cold, and if you hunt them they will drop large hunks of gourmet meat. When cooked the higher tiers of meats will heal for more and sell for more. If the wolves notice you, they will howl, spawning more wolves.
You will come to a fork in the road. One fork will take you back around the lake, and the other fork goes slightly further north to the yellow dot that is your destination. So take that path and you will soon arrive at the Flight Range.
How to Complete the Flight Range¶
Once you arrive at the Flight Range, make sure you grab the arrows on the table plus the Swallow Bow, as you will need it for an upcoming small minigame of sorts. Talk to Teba, who is sitting facing the Flight Range area and tell him you want to help him with repelling Divine Beast Vah Medoh.
(1 of 2) Ride the updrafts as you head into the Flight Range
Ride the updrafts as you head into the Flight Range (left), Aim for the blue targets shown here (right)
To test you, Teba will have you Paraglide out into the Flight Range and shoot five targets in three minutes. Jump out into the Flight Range and equip your Swallow Bow. It’s fast draw speed will help you conserve stamina. The blue targets are everywhere; there are way more than five to pick from.
This test will show you the beauty of updrafts. Once you have shot a target, press [X] to glide again and because you are riding an updraft, your stamina will be instantly refilled, allowing you to continually Paraglide by pressing [B] to drop, and then pressing [X] to glide again. The updraft will continuously push you up, so if you want to aim at a lower target you will need to drop down to it and then shoot.
Overall, the three minutes Teba gives you is extremely generous. This is less of a minigame and more of a minigame tutorial, as after you have rescued Vah Medoh, the Flight Range will become a location for a full-fledged aerial arching minigame.
(1 of 2) Open this chest for a useful bow
Open this chest for a useful bow (left), You will need these for opening access to Vah Medoh (right)
Once you have shot the fifth target you will immediately return back to Teba. Teba will gift you a bow in the chest next to him, and he will also give you 20 Bomb Arrows to take out Vah Medoh’s cannons. Open up the treasure chest for a Falcon Bow. Teba will ask you if you are ready. Back out if you need time to prepare. Otherwise, we are going to be heading straight for Vah Medoh on Teba’s back.
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