(1 of 2) This serves as a fast travel point for the Gerudo Canyon Stable
This serves as a fast travel point for the Gerudo Canyon Stable (left), This is the specific location of the Kay Noh Shrine (right)
Kay Noh Shrine¶
An electric themed Shrine! The puzzles here carry an uncanny resemblance to the nature of Divine Beast Vah Naboris, so if you haven’t completed that yet consider this a warm-up tutorial of how to handle puzzles that involve directing and manipulating currents of bright green electricity.
Take the ball in the middle platform and move it to the right platform on the same line as the left ball. The circuit will be completed and electricity will flow through, opening up the gate.
(1 of 2) This Guardian Scout is very weak so it should be easy to destroy
This Guardian Scout is very weak so it should be easy to destroy (left), Shoot down this ball (right)
At the fork, go right. Defeat the Guardian Scout. Then shoot down the ball hanging in the air and pick it up.
(1 of 2) Place the ball here
Place the ball here (left), You will need the Small Key for later (right)
Go back to the left side of the fork and put it in the left platform. At the end of the conveyor belt, jump to the rock cube. There is a gap so if you keep walking you will fall. If you fall down, don’t worry. Just go up the ladder and try again.
Open the chest for a Small Key which you will need to finish the shrine. Return to the locked door near the fork and open it. Defeat the Guardian Scout right behind the door.
(1 of 2) Line the boxes up a little like this
Line the boxes up a little like this (left), Then whirl the camera around and grab this chest (right)
In the next room, you need to make the metal blocks on the right side of the water pool mimic the metal blocks on the left. So use Magnesis and start shuffling them around.
Once you have solved the puzzle, go up the stairs and turn around. You will see a chest high up on a ledge. Pull it down with Magnesis for a Gerudo Scimitar. Now you can finish up the shrine and claim your Spirit Orb.
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