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Fallout 4

Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup

Nathan Garvin
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Walkthrough for the "Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup" iconWicked Shipping Fleet Lockup area in Fallout 4.

You can find Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup southeast of the Ranger Cabin area, or southwest from Abernathy Farm.

The Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup area.

Important Items in This Area
Grognak the Barbarian

Be wary of Ghouls lurking unseen in the Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup area.

The grounds of the Wicked Shipping Fleet Lockup consists of an unpaved parking lot occupied by several truck trailers and three buildings. The only guardians of the loot stored in the trailers and buildings are a scattering of (mostly low-tier) Ghouls, almost all of which can be found hiding in the area. Use VATS to sniff them out and deal with them piecemeal - they’re too scattered and few in number to really be much of a threat. If you want some support, however, you can interact with a Terminal to activate a Protectron, which will put down any Ghouls that cross its path.

(1 of 2) One trailer contains a reference to Fallout 3,

One trailer contains a reference to Fallout 3, (left), while the other hides a Steamer Trunk - less interesting, perhaps, but more useful. (right)

There are three lootable trailers, a blue trailer parked in front of the warehouse (the only trailer with loot in it that still is attached to a truck), a blue trailer full of radioactive barrels, and a white and red trailer full of wooden boxes. In the latter you can find a Safe [Novice], in the radioactive-barrel-filled trailer you’ll find some blocks spelling out the name “GARY”, while the blue trailer opposite the warehouse is locked [Expert]. You can find a key to bypass this lock, if you can’t pick it. Either way, your prize is a Steamer Trunk.

The largest (northernmost) building is a labyrinthine two-story warehouse full of shipping crates, with the odd bit of scrap strewn about (mostly on shelves). Aside from some Ammo Boxes, an Armor Workbench and a Chemistry Workbench, there’s little of great interest in this warehouse.

Grab a copy of Grognak the Barbarian from a desk in the small office building.

Adjacent to the warehouse is a smaller office building where you can find a copy of Grognak the Barbarian and the Wicked Shipping Trailer Key, the latter of which will open the locked [Expert] trailer door. You can also find the Wicked Shipping Terminal, which will update your map if you look at various “Cargo Manifests”.

The third (southernmost) building is a garage wherein you’ll find a Power Armor Station, the Wicked Business holotape and some minor loot strewn about.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    15 December 2015
  • Last Updated
    11 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin, Greg Wright

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It’s just another day. Having just been accepted into Vault 111, you spend the morning with your family going about your daily routine. That is until alarms blare out, signalling a nuclear attack. You and your family sprint towards the Vault along with everyone else in the neighborhood just as a bomb explodes nearby. After surviving the blast, you are lowered into the Vault and enter cryosleep. Two hundred years pass and you awake to a world ravaged by nuclear war. You are the Sole Survivor and what awaits you is a mystery as you set out to conquer the Wasteland.

Our guide will be a complete companion while you journey through the wilds of Fallout 4. You can find a plethora of information including the following:

  • A start to finish walkthrough with every area in between covered.
  • Combat details, SPECIAL explanation and general gameplay information.
  • VATS And You!: Getting to know your PIPBOY.
  • All faction quests explained including the consequences of favoring one over the others.
  • Information on Settlements and items for construction.
  • Bobblehead locations, collectibles and full Trophy/Achievement guide.
  • Settlement Guide complete with how to set up and manage settlements, what perks are beneficial etc.
  • Companion chapter detailing each companion character, where to acquire them and the pros/cons of each.
  • A detailed Character Creation guide fully examining the best builds and what each perk does.
  • Automatron and Wasteland Workshop DLC information provided, including a full walkthrough for Automatron.
  • A complete walkthrough of the “Far Harbor” DLC complete with information on every side quest.

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