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Fallout 4

Trophies/Achievements (Quest Related)

Nathan Garvin
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Here you can find all of the trophies/achievements in Fallout 4. Not only will they be listed here, but you’ll find tips or guides (as appropriate) on how to obtain them all as well. Note that getting every trophy in the game will require that you beat it four times, once with each faction. it is therefor recommended that you make key saves before these quests:

  • Brotherhood of Steel Questline: before starting “Tactical Thinking” (During or after “Blind Betrayal” ).
  • Railroad Questline: During “Underground Undercover” (runs parallel with The Institute Questline). The split between the two paths occurs after “Mass Fusion” .
  • Minutemen Questline: Save before turning The Institute hostile (before attempting to do “Defend The Castle” ). You have to purposely try to piss off another faction if you are with the Minutemen, making them one of the more “easy going” factions.
  • The Institute Questline: Save before starting the quest “Mass Fusion” (You can actually start the quest, but save before going to the Warp Relay room).
Trophy/Achievement Icon

Platinum Trophy

Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy.

Trophy icon

Description: Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy

How to Obtain: This is exclusive to PlayStation 4 players and is rewarded once you collect every other trophy in the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

War Never Changes

Enter the Wasteland.

Trophy icon

Description: Enter The Wasteland

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game. This is also one of the first trophies you’ll get. There are a number of these “Story Mission” trophies coming up, all of which can’t be missed!.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

When Freedom Calls

Complete "When Freedom Calls".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “When Freedom Calls”

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Complete "Sanctuary".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Sanctuary”

How to Obtain: This quest comes early in the game, after you complete “When Freedom Calls” . Listen to Sturges and help spruce up Sanctuary to complete this quest and gain this trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Unlikely Valentine

Complete "Unlikely Valentine".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Unlikely Valentine”

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Complete "Reunions".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Reunions”

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Dangerous Minds

Complete "Dangerous Minds".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Dangerous Minds”

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game. One of the quicker missions in the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon



Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Hunter/Hunted”

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Molecular Level

Complete "The Molecular Level".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “The Molecular Level”

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game. You can do this with any faction you wish, as the trophy doesn’t care who you pick.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

The Nuclear Option

Complete "The Nuclear Option".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “The Nuclear Option”

How to Obtain: This quest is one of two end-game quests. If you follow the guide, you’ll know exactly when to save, but this is the trophy you get for siding with the Minutemen, Brotherhood of Steel or the Railroad. Basically, if you side with The Institute you can’t get this trophy (unless you go back to a previous save, of course).

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Complete "Institutionalized".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Institutionalized”

How to Obtain: This is a story-related trophy and can’t be missed as long as you beat the game.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Mankind Redefined

Complete "Mankind Redefined".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Mankind-Redefined”

How to Obtain: This quest is one you’ll complete on your play-through of siding with The Institute (which you’ll need to do once, even if its just on a separate save, to obtain every trophy). Be sure to reference the saves up above and you will gain this trophy once you do your Institute play-through.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Powering Up

Complete "Powering Up".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Powering Up”

How to Obtain: This quest is one you’ll complete on your play-through of siding with The Institute (which you’ll need to do once, even if its just on a separate save, to obtain every trophy). Be sure to reference the saves up above and you will gain this trophy once you do your Institute play-through.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Nuclear Family

Complete "Nuclear Family".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Nuclear Family”

How to Obtain: This quest is one you’ll complete on your play-through of siding with The Institute (which you’ll need to do once, even if its just on a separate save, to obtain every trophy). Be sure that to reference saves up above and you will gain this trophy once you do your Institute play-through. This is the last Institute Trophy, so once you have it you should either have all of the quest trophies or you should continue collecting them from a previous save and continue with a new faction.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

The First Step

Join the Minutement.

Trophy icon

Description: Join the Minutemen

How to Obtain: You will get this trophy fairly early in the game, as the main mission “When Freedom Calls” occurs fairly close to Sanctuary. Go do that mission and see your new charges as they come to Sanctuary.Talk to Preston once you get there and agree to join the Minutemen, then he’ll tell you to head to Tenpines Bluff, where the settlers there will ask you to clear out the Raiders in the Corvega Assembly Plant. Once this is done, talk to the Settlers at Tenpines again, then report back to Preston Garvey to get this trophy/achievement.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Taking Independence

Complete "Taking Independence".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Taking Independence”

How to Obtain: This is another Minutemen mission you can complete without worrying about any other faction. After completing “The First Step” Preston Garvey will give you some random (perhaps even radiant) quests to complete, which will revolve around helping settlements and getting them to join the Minutemen (read: you). After that’s done, Preston will offer this quest. It is highly recommended you have the trip to Diamond City under your belt before doing this quest, as “The Castle” Preston wants to take back is to the south-east of Diamond City, and will require you to fight a fearsome foe, which may be a bit of a challenge for low-level characters. Follow the guide and do this quest and the trophy will be yours.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Old Guns

Complete "Old Guns".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Old Guns”

How to Obtain: This is the final Minutemen quest (that doesn’t involve the other factions), and can be triggered after waiting a few days (3+) after the previous quest ( “Taking Independence” ). Overall, it is very short and easy so check the guide if you need help on it and complete it to gain this trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Semper Invicta

Join the Brotherhood of Steel.

Trophy icon

Description: Join the Brotherhood of Steel

How to Obtain: This trophy is technically missable, as you can ignore the Brotherhood of Steel out-right and make enemies out of them before even meeting them if you wished (again, see the mission notes up above). Finding them isn’t hard at all though, and very worthwhile for the mission XP alone! To start this quest, head to the Cambridge Police Station, which is, of course, in Cambridge (south of Lexington). You will have to complete the quests “Fire Support” and “Call to Arms” , then tackle two radiant quests “Cleansing the Commonwealth” and “Quartermastery” , after which this quest should also be complete.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Blind Betrayal

Complete "Blind Betrayal".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Blind Betrayal”

How to Obtain: Continue following the Brotherhood of Steel questline to get this quest. After completing “Semper Invicta” this quest won’t trigger until after “Reunions”, and you’ll need to complete “Shadow of Steel” ( “Revielle” shows up instead if you didn’t make contact with the Brotherhood of Steel previously) then “Tour of Duty” and “Show No Mercy” . At this point you’ll have to progress the main story until you’ve completed “The Molecular Level” and “Institutionalized” , after which “Liberty Reprimed” will start. Follow that last quest (whew!) you’ll start “Blind Betrayal” . It is quite the memorable mission, to be honest, but doesn’t interfere with any other faction. It is also worth noting that you can do whatever you want in this mission (you have an important choice here) and you will still get this trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Ad Victoriam

Complete "Ad Victoriam".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Ad Victoriam”

How to Obtain: This quest is near the end of the Brotherhood of Steel questline, and should only be done on your “Brotherhood of Steel” play-through as you will definitely piss off some other factions along the way to this quest. Follow the guide and complete the quest, using the guide as needed to obtain this trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon


Join The Railroad.

Trophy icon

Description: Join the Railroad

How to Obtain: Another quest that is technically missable as well, as while you have to do the quest “Road to Freedom” to finish the main story, you do not have to do the second Railroad quest (this one). However, as long as you don’t go past the quests listed at the start of this section, you can accomplish this quest with ease and obtain this trophy. Ideally you’ll complete this faction quest before completing the quest “Reunions” .

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Underground Undercover

Complete "Underground Undercover".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Underground Undercover”

How to Obtain: This is another Railraod Mission. This one however, is tightly linked with The Institute questline, forcing you to complete all Institute questlines between “Synth Retention” and “Powering Up” . In fact, you will piss off the Brotherhood of Steel during this quest, so this should only be completed during your Railroad play-through. Once you have committed though, you can finish this quest (with the guide as needed) and you’ll have this trophy.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Rockets' Red Glare

Complete "Rockets' Red Glare".

Trophy icon

Description: Complete “Rockets’ Red Glare”

How to Obtain: This is the second Railroad-only mission you’ll get after running parallel with The Institute questline for quite a while, starting after you complete “Precipice of War” , which in turn starts after “Powering Up” . Light up the sky and this trophy will be yours.

Trophy/Achievement Icon

Prepared for the Future

Decide the fate of the Commonwealth.

Trophy icon

Description: Decide the Fate of the Commonwealth

How to Obtain: This trophy is actually tied to the end of the main story missions, which means it will unlock after you complete either “Nuclear Family” or “The Nuclear Option” .

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    15 December 2015
  • Last Updated
    11 May 2024
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin, Greg Wright

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It’s just another day. Having just been accepted into Vault 111, you spend the morning with your family going about your daily routine. That is until alarms blare out, signalling a nuclear attack. You and your family sprint towards the Vault along with everyone else in the neighborhood just as a bomb explodes nearby. After surviving the blast, you are lowered into the Vault and enter cryosleep. Two hundred years pass and you awake to a world ravaged by nuclear war. You are the Sole Survivor and what awaits you is a mystery as you set out to conquer the Wasteland.

Our guide will be a complete companion while you journey through the wilds of Fallout 4. You can find a plethora of information including the following:

  • A start to finish walkthrough with every area in between covered.
  • Combat details, SPECIAL explanation and general gameplay information.
  • VATS And You!: Getting to know your PIPBOY.
  • All faction quests explained including the consequences of favoring one over the others.
  • Information on Settlements and items for construction.
  • Bobblehead locations, collectibles and full Trophy/Achievement guide.
  • Settlement Guide complete with how to set up and manage settlements, what perks are beneficial etc.
  • Companion chapter detailing each companion character, where to acquire them and the pros/cons of each.
  • A detailed Character Creation guide fully examining the best builds and what each perk does.
  • Automatron and Wasteland Workshop DLC information provided, including a full walkthrough for Automatron.
  • A complete walkthrough of the “Far Harbor” DLC complete with information on every side quest.

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