Walkthrough for the Tucker Memorial Bridge area in Fallout 4.
Tucker Memorial Bridge from the north.
The Tucker Memorial Bridge is a bit of an odd area in Fallout 4. It’s a geographically interesting area located just south of Taffington Boathouse, and it connects the Mystic Lake peninsula to the [Cambridge] area. Since Taffington Boathouse is the closest settlement to the eastern edge of Cambridge (not counting [Bunker Hill], which you can’t claim until late in the game), clearing Tucker Memorial Bridge will make it easier to return to safety… assuming you’d rather avoid swimming through irradiated water, anyways.
(1 of 2) You can disarm the various explosive devices on the bridge,
You can disarm the various explosive devices on the bridge, (left), or just set off the explosives on the bridge from afar. Kapew! (right)
There are no enemies native to the Tucker Memorial Bridge, but that doesn’t mean the area is without danger. Some malcontent has covered the structure in various combustible and explosive materials, including engine blocks, gas cans, fuel tanks, oil slicks and vehicles. Wicked intent is made clear by the Frag Mines scattered throughout this vicious cocktail, as well as a tripwire rigged to an explosive device. All of these explosives will, of course, set off a conflagration, which probably isn’t survivable if you get caught inside it.
If you’re brave and greedy, brave the bridge and claim the mines and gas cans - the bridge is a good source of Oil, after all. Alternatively, if you want to be safe you can just shoot the booby-trapped bridge to set it off from a safe distance. Better yet, you can do both - get the loot you want, enjoy the fireworks, and ensure you won’t get any messy surprises if you have to cross the bridge again.
The explosive apparatus on the bridge will respawn over time.
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