Walkthrough for the Gorski Cabin area in Fallout 4.
The ruins of the Gorski Cabin.
Gorski Cabin can be found on the outskirts of Concord, south, southwest of the Museum of Freedom. In fact, you can see the map marker (a house icon, identical to the Ranger Cabin from the Museum of Freedom, so it should be pretty hard to miss. The cabin is located near a large electrical tower just south of Concord, if you need another landmark.
Important Items in This Area |
Wasteland Survival Guide |
Be wary as you approach, as several Ghouls (non-scaling) lurk under the cabin, and will crawl out and attack. Put them down, enter the cabin, exterminate another Ghoul feigning sleep on a Mattress (which you can subsequently use, if you need to), then note the Chemistry Station and the trapdoor to the Root Cellar.
Descend into the depths of the earth to find a surprisingly intact shelter. In the first shelter you’ll find various lootables, including an Ammo Box and a variety of useful resources, as well as a Weapons Workbench.
(1 of 3) Ghouls lurk around the cabin.
When you’ve plundered to your heart’s content, go down a tunnel to the northwest (partially obscured by a moved refrigerator) and it’ll lead to a red door. Pop some Rad-X, as you’re going to catch some Rads here. Beyond the red door you’ll find a moderately irradiated room - expect to catch up to 10 Rads depending on how close you are to the toxic barrels in the room. A more active threat is presented by the shambling Ghoul which was Wayne Gorski, which will attack when it becomes aware of you. Put it down, then loot the room - you can find a disassembled
Mini Nuke on a table, a Wasteland Survival Guide on a desk near a terminal, and the terminal itself, which details Wayne Gorski’s final ambitions before the old world ended.
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