Gungnir, Odin’s Spear.
What to Do Before You Can Find Odin’s Spear¶
To find Odin’s Spear, you’ll first need to pledge to 15 of England’s regions and complete each of their associated main story arcs, including the final “Reporting On” quests by speaking with Randvi at the longhouse in Ravensthorpe. These include:
Chapter | Region |
The Kingmaker’s Saga | Ledecestrescire |
The Song of Soma | Grantebridgescire |
The Tale of Thegn Oswald | East Anglia |
The Paladin’s Stone | Oxenefordscire |
The City of War | Lunden |
The Book of Dragons | Sciropescire |
The Instrument of the Ancients | Cent |
A Breviary of Broken Hearts | Essexe |
The Lay of Hunwald | Lincolnscire |
The Siege of Portcestre | Suthsexe |
The City of Greed | Jorvik |
The Sayings of Halfdan | Eurvicscire |
A Tale of Wicker-Fire | Glowecestrescire |
The Tale of Two Jarls | Snotinghamscire |
The City of Faith | Wincestre |
You won’t be able to pledge to Hamtunscire and complete its story arc until you have completed In the Hall of the Slain, so don’t worry yourself with that for now.
Where to Find Odin’s Spear (Gungnir)¶
Once you’ve pledged to and completed the story arcs of all 15 regions in England mentioned above, In the Hall of the Slain will become available. This includes two quests: Where Legends Are Born and A Brother’s Keeper. It is during the first part of this last quest that you can find Odin’s Spear, Gungnir. When you enter the cave named Goinnhellir in Hordafylke with Sigurd, you will come to a point where Sigurd stops in front of a large doorway. At this point you should turn around and follow the path opposite the doorway. This path will eventually lead to a dead end, where you’ll find Odin’s Spear shining, and stuck in the wall. All you need to do is interact with it to take it, then be on your way.
(1 of 2) The location of Goinnhellir, the cave in the northeast of Hordafylke where Odin’s Spear, Gungnir, can be found.
The location of Goinnhellir, the cave in the northeast of Hordafylke where Odin’s Spear, Gungnir, can be found. (left), Once you find the spear, all you need to do is interact with it to pull it from the wall. (right)
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