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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Trial of the Bear - How to Get Highest Mastery Points

Scott Peers
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This page details how to get the highest mastery points for the gold medal during the Trial of the Bear at the Suthsexe - Anderitum Hideout Mastery Challenge.

How to Get the Gold Medal

Trial of the Bear Objectives

To earn the gold medal for the Trial of the Bear at the Anderitum Hideout, you need to earn the following points for each objective, which amount to the perfect score of 1,000 points combined.

Objectives Mastery Points
Poison Kills 486
Parry 370
Kill all the targets 144

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the gear and ability available to you for this trial.

Start With Parrying

The first thing you should be focusing on doing here is parrying as many times as possible to get that objective out of the way. It’s possible to achieve this objective in the first room against the first two enemies, but you may want to save some parries for other enemies if the health of those in the first room gets too low. This is because you can actually kill an enemy by parrying, since some damage is inflicted on them each time you perform a successful parry. You don’t want to kill any enemies here with a direct hit or with the damage from a parry, since you need as many deaths from poison as you can get.

If you focus on parrying as many times as possible early on, you can then forget about this objective for the rest of the trial and turn your attention to poison kills only. The key to parrying consistently is to wait until the last moment as the enemy’s weapon is about to hit you, and pay close attention to their animations so that you become familiar with when each attack will generally land. The first two enemies in the first room will give you plenty of time to practice, and if you sustain a significant amount of damage here you can always eat some mushrooms later on to replenish your health, plenty of which you’ll find scattered around the trial area.

Use Poison Strike on Multiple Enemies

Once you’ve got a good parrying technique down, this is one of the easier Trials of the Bear among all of the Mastery Challenges. The main things you need to keep in mind when faced by multiple enemies is to make good use of Brush With Death by performing a Perfect Dodges, and to only use Poison Strike when you’re surrounded by multiple enemies where possible. This is because you will only have a limited amount of Adrenaline slots at any given time, so you’ll want to maximize the poison distribution among all nearby enemies for as long as possible. Some of the hallways in this area are separated by small holes in the walls, which only you can move between. The enemies won’t follow you through these, so you should treat them essentially as new rooms.

In each new “room”, you should gather all the enemies that you can and bring them together. Only then should you use Poison Strike, inflicting poison damage on them all at once. You can then hit them with a few melee strikes to bring their health down low enough for the poison to finish them off. Never hit an enemy too much when they’re on low health, since you’ll risk killing them with a direct melee hit and it won’t count as a poison kill.

So long as you aim to stack as much poison as possible by using existing poison clouds, creating your own with Poison Strike, and hitting enemies with melee strikes to bring their health down low enough for the poison to finish them off, you should find this one relatively easy. The main challenge is to stay alive as you avoid being hit by multiple enemies and wait for them to die from the poison debuffs. For this reason you’ll need to have good timing when performing dodges. If you’re struggling with this, you can just run around the area as you drag the enemies through poison clouds, but keep in mind that you can also be damaged by existing poison clouds.

(1 of 3) The Ceremonial Sickle has a rune on it which gives you a chance of generating a poison cloud with each parry.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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