There are two Trials of Morrigan found in Meath. To complete the trials, you’ll need to defeat all druids and their familiars.
Central Meath Trial of Morrigan¶
This trial can be activated at an altar at the center of the bogs in central Meath. To complete the trial you’ll need to defeat all of the druids. The druids in this trial are ‘Venomous Druids’ meaning being hit by their weapons may cause you to take poison damage over a short period of time. When you’ve taken down all of the druids, you’ll complete the trial.
(1 of 2) This trial can be found in the bogs at the centre of Meath
This trial can be found in the bogs at the centre of Meath (left), you’ll need to deal with some Venomous Druids that may deal poison damage with their weapons! (right)
West of Kells Abbey Trial of Morrigan¶
This trial can be activated at an altar on the hill between Drumlish Trade Post and Kells Abbey. The druids in this altar are ‘Boar Druids’ so watch out for their pet boars charging at you! When you’ve taken down all of the druids, you’ll complete the trial.
(1 of 2) This Trial of the Morrigan is found near Drumlish Trade Post and Kells Abbey
This Trial of the Morrigan is found near Drumlish Trade Post and Kells Abbey (left), you’ll need to fight off the Boar Druids to complete this trial. (right)
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