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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

A Brother's Keeper

Scott Peers
Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This quest begins immediately after Where Legends Are Born, at the shore of the northernmost fjord in Hordafylke. Follow Sigurd up the mountain to the cave named Goinnhellir.

Follow Sigurd to Goinnhellir

When you pass beyond the cave entrance, you will reach an ice wall. Break it by striking it with any weapon, or shooting at it with your bow. A few brief cutscenes will follow as you make your way to a platform, which Sigurd will activate by speaking a strange language which he came to know from his visions. When the platform lowers, you will reach a vast cavern, within which is a tree made of stone, representing Yggdrasil. Continue to follow Sigurd and respond to his dialogue options in whatever way you see fit, the outcome will be the same.

Following the scene with the orb, Sigurd will position himself in the centre of the circular platform behind it. You’ll find Svala, Valka’s mother, here too. Step onto the platform to begin another scene, after which you’ll find yourself in a building resembling a longhouse. Use Odin’s Sight to locate the quest objective in front of you, and make your way there by walking through the doors outside. Here you will encounter numerous fallen warriors who refer to you as Havi, another name for Odin.

(1 of 2) Follow Sigurd to the cave of Goinnhellir.

Follow Sigurd to the cave of Goinnhellir. (left), When Sigurd prompts you to, break the ice. (right)

Feast and Fight… repeatedly

After the scene with Sigurd and Svala, a battle will begin. This is more of a play battle than anything, and you will find that Eivor has incredible strength, with infinite stamina, health, and powerful attacks. You can kill as many enemies as you want here, then speak with Sigurd on the rock. Now you will fight with Sigurd, but with the same incredible strength. It will only take a few basic attacks to bring Sigurd down, after which a cutscene will play and you’ll find yourself in the same place where you started in this strange world. The same day will repeat itself, only this time you’ll have to speak with Sigurd in the centre of the field of battle, kneeling on the ground.

When you speak with Sigurd on the battlefield here, a brief scene will play during which Eivor notices their father. Before they can meet, the scene ends and Eivor wakes up in the same place as before. Once again, walk outside to begin a scene. After it you will need to search for Varin, Eivor’s father, among the warriors. This will lead to another charge to the battlefield, where you will find Sigurd again. After Eivor mistakes another man for their father, they awake again at the bed. After the scene, make your way back to the battlefield.

(1 of 3) Fight as many warriors you want until Sigurd appears.

After the scene with Svala, search for Sigurd on the battlefield. You’ll find him in the same place as usual after a few moments of fighting. This will lead to a scene where Eivor walks with Odin. As you walk with Odin he will recount some of Eivor’s deeds. Follow him until you have the opportunity to speak, leading to a fight with Odin.

How to Fight Odin

This will be a fight unlike any other that you have so far fought. Odin doesn’t have a health bar, so he can’t be damaged. Although Odin can damage Eivor, whenever you lose all your health it will be replenished. You must lose all your health at least once to trigger a new phase in the fight, at which point Sigurd will appear through a doorway in the distance. If you try to run to the door, Odin will pull you back by your axe. In order to escape Odin, you must open your inventory and unequip the axe. Only then will you be able to run to the doorway without Odin pulling you back. After the scene, you’ll find Sigurd at the mercy of Basim. You’ll need to chase Basim after the scene.

(1 of 2) Speak with Odin when you’re ready to begin the fight.

Speak with Odin when you’re ready to begin the fight. (left), You can’t win the fight against Odin until you unequip your axe. You can then run to the door to escape. (right)

Confront Basim

When you confront Basim he will immediately attack. As with Odin, this isn’t a conventional fight, only this time Basim can actually kill you if you lose all of your health. Although you can’t harm Basim, you will need to avoid all of his attacks to stay alive for as long as possible. The attacks include an unblockable / unparryable dive which results in an assassination animation. This will inflict only minor damage, but you don’t want to be caught off guard by too many of them, so look out for the red rune aura above Basim just before he initiates the attack.

Basim’s regular strikes can be blocked and parried, but they are incredibly swift. You’ll need to be on your guard and keep your eyes on Basim at all times. This will sometimes be difficult as he throws smoke bombs frequently, but so long as you keep moving you should be able to avoid most of his attacks. When you see the red marker indicating an incoming ranged attack in the form of throwing knives, dodge or roll out of the way to avoid them. Basim will often climb up the stone pillars and attempt to attack you from above, so you’ll need to watch out for when he’s about to jump down.

(1 of 5) You’ll need to dodge or roll away from Basim’s throwing knives when you see the red indicator.

Whenever you get the chance, hit Basim a few times with basic attacks. Although your attacks won’t inflict any damage, they will help to speed up the fight by prompting dialogue from Basim. Eventually you will be able to strike Basim with a stun attack. this will lead into a brief cutscene, during which Basim commands the platform to rise. Basim will then run away toward Sigurd, and you’ll have to chase him. This will be a relatively simple route involving various climbing obstacles, and you’ll need to slide under a few objects. When you reach Basim and Sigurd a cutscene will play, after which you’ll have to fight Basim a final time.

During this last phase of the fight, you’ll need to shoot Basim in the area of his torso and left arm, highlighted in green. When you hit him successfully, you will be able to initiate a stun attack, trigging the end of the fight and a cutscene with Sigurd.

What Determines the Good or Bad Ending with Sigurd?

This scene will vary depending on your choices throughout the story. These include the following five decisions:

In order to achieve the best outcome with Sigurd, you must have sided with him or remained honorable to him on at least three of the five decisions above. If you achieved the most positive outcome, Sigurd will join you back at Ravensthorpe, declaring you the new leader of the clan as someone he can follow. If you failed to achieve this, Sigurd will state that he intends to remain in Norway, and he will not join you back in England.

Out of the Animus

After the scene with Sigurd the quest will officially complete. However, there’s more to do outside of the Animus before you can get back to the Viking Age. Now playing as Layla, speak with Rebecca inside the cabin and then with Shaun outside next to the van.

When you speak with Shaun you’ll be transported to the cave entrance at Goinnhellir, and then into the cavern where Yggdrasil is. At the end of the platform, turn left and then jump onto the stone with the waterfall. At the bottom you’ll need to jump onto the stone platform opposite, then under the hole in the wall. Jump into the water and swim through the hole under it to the other side, then climb up onto the platform and continue along the pillars. Climb around the large pillar under the waterfall, then climb up following the lit stone panels.

Once you’re atop the pillar you’ll reach the area where Eivor and Sigurd entered a simulation of Valhalla. You’ll find Basim and Svala still here. When Layla approaches the platform, a cutscene will begin and you’ll find yourself in the simulation of Valhalla. Walk toward the feasting area to find it jumbled, then turn right and walk toward the three spinners. A cutscene will begin here, during which you’ll meet Basim. After it, walk toward the tree of light. This will trigger another cutscene, at the end of which you’ll be in control of Basim back at the cabin with Rebecca and Shaun.

(1 of 4) Speak with Shaun next to the van when you’re ready to depart.

After the scene at the cabin, you can now enter the Animus as Basim and return to the Viking Age. After the scene, you will be able to pledge to Hamtunscire, the final region on the alliance map.

Completing this quest unlocks the As It Was Foretold trophy / achievement.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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