This is a simple quest that can be acquired from Pierre in Melun once you’ve completed Warlord of Melun. The quest will serve to track your progress in terms of Infamy level for Rebel Missions. Once you reach the max infamy level of 4, the quest will complete.
Vive la Résistance, Siege of Paris DLC.
How to Complete Vive la Résistance¶
The Rebel Missions with Pierre don’t end once you reach infamy level 4. You can still do them as many times as you want, but there’s a finite amount of rewards that you can acquire with silver deniers.
You can upgrade your fellow rebels, although they won’t necessarily be of much use unless you’re playing on the highest difficulty settings. Even then, they’re more of a distraction to Frankish soldiers than an effective fighting force. We recommend that you spend your silver deniers on rewards such as the Reaper Armor Set and unique runes instead. When you’ve purchased all of the unique items on offer from Pierre’s shop, you can still spend your silver deniers on rations and arrow supplies.
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