This page details where you can find all Silica wealth in Vangrinn, Svartalfheim, part of the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC in AC Valhalla. We’ll cover the raids of Afalvat Mylna, Dolgar Mylna, and Ey Mylna. There are 11 Silica Inciters to raid in total.
Afalvat Mylna - 4x Silica Inciters¶
The settlement of Afalvat Mylna is located just southwest of Eitri, or northwest of the Hofgard Altar in Vangrinn. You’ll find four Silica Inciters to raid here. To access and loot them you’ll need to summon your Jomsvikings to start a raid, which you can do from the action wheel. Your fellow raiders will help you to open doors and loot the Silica, since you can’t do this on your own. Some of the Silica will be stored behind large doors, which you can open using the contraption on the right side of the door with a fellow raider.
(1 of 3) The location of Afalvat Mylna, southwest of Eitri in Vangrinn.
Dolgar Mylna - 5x Silica Inciters¶
There are five Silica Inciters to be found at Dolgar Mylna, which is located on an island just northwest of Eitri. As with the Silica Inciters at Afalvat Mylna, you’ll need the help of your Jomsvikings to loot them, so be sure to start a raid once you reach the settlement. You can choose to kill most of the enemies here alone first if you prefer, which can make for a fun stealth trial on the hardest difficulty settings. However, you won’t be able to access all the enemies alone since some of them are within the buildings behind the large doors that you need help with opening.
(1 of 3) The location of Dolgar Mylna, on an island just northwest of Eitri.
Ey Mylna - 2x Silica Inciters¶
The small island where Ey Mylna is located is also northwest of Eitri, but further down the river, north of Afalvat Mylna. Here you’ll find two Silica Inciters that you can loot with the help of your Jomsvikings.
(1 of 3) The location of Ey Mylna, a bit further down the river from Dolgar Mylna.
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