The Black Stout is a legendary animal found in the northeast region of Connacht, near the southern border of Ulster.
Location: Black Stout legendary animal.
How to Fight the Black Stout¶
The Black Stout is a large black boar that can be found in an abandoned military camp in the northeastern region of Connacht. Its power level will scale to your own level, as does every other boss fight found in Ireland.
The boar’s attacks seem pretty erratic at first, but you’ll soon find out that his attacks are easy to dodge as he is pretty slow on the whole. You will want to watch out for its red power attacks though.
Charge Attack¶
This is a red power attack where the boar will run away then charge straight at you. This is an unparryable attack and you’ll want to dodge it. If you have the skill Brush with Death equipped, a successful dodge will trigger a slowed time period in which you’ll be able to attack the boar uncontensted for a few seconds.
Tusk Attacks¶
This power attack will consist of the Black Stout entering into a short frenzy period where it’ll swing its head and tusks around in an attempt to hit you. If you are hit, you may be knocked over temporarily.
(1 of 3) The Black Stout will frequently charge attack to throw you off your feet.
Weak Points¶
The Boar has three weak points, one on each hind leg and one on the front left leg. If you shoot a weak point, you’ll deplete a large portion of the boar’s stamina bar. When the bar has been completely depleted, either via parrying weak attacks or by shooting weak points, you’ll tire the boar and you’ll be able to perform a Stun Attack that deals a huge amount of damage. If you need arrows or rations, you’ll find some dotted around the Boar’s den, you can use Odin’s Sight to highlight them for you if you need.
When you defeat the Black Stout, rather than get a trophy like the other legendary animals, you’ll receive a Bone Sickle weapon.
The Bone Sickle is a weapon obtained through defeating the Black Stout.
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