Ostara Festival: Twirling Targets activity.
The Ostara Festival brings with it three repeatable activities which we last saw during the Yule Festival. These are Twirling Targets, Viking Brawl, and Braun’s Folly. You can engage in each activity as many times as you want, and you will earn Festival Tokens each time you do.
Ostara Festival: Twirling Targets¶
Time per activity: 3 minutes
To begin Twirling Targets, speak with Thyra on the bridge leading to the festival grounds from the longhouse. This activity is probably the one which will provide you with the most amount of festival tokens in the least amount of time. All you need to do is shoot as many targets as you can before they twirl. There are three target colors, each of which earns you the following amount of points:
- Green target: 10 points
- Orange target: 15 points
- Red target: 25 points
You don’t need to get a perfect score to earn festival tokens, but you’ll need at least 1200 to earn the maximum 40 Festival Tokens per attempt.
One new addition to the activity since the Yule Festival is that you’ll get bonus points if you manage to shoot all the targets which are facing you before they twirl. The bonus you get will vary depending on how many targets there are per round.
Maximum reward: 40 Festival Tokens.
(1 of 2) Speak with Thyra on the bridge north of the festival grounds to begin Twirling Targets.
Speak with Thyra on the bridge north of the festival grounds to begin Twirling Targets. (left), There are three target types: green, orange, and red. Shoot as many as possible, but try to aim for red and orange first. (right)
Ostara Festival: Braun’s Folly¶
Time per activity: 1 - 2 minutes
This is easily the quickest festival activity, but it’s also the least rewarding. If you win, you’ll earn 10 Festival Tokens. If you lose, you’ll get nothing. It’s as simple as that! All you need to do is drink Braun into the ground repeatedly. There are times when you’ll need to hit two buttons at once to remain stable. Try not to panic by hitting these too soon.
Maximum reward: 10 Festival Tokens.
(1 of 2) Speak with Braun to begin the drinking contest.
Speak with Braun to begin the drinking contest. (left), You’ll sometimes need to hit two buttons at once to remain stable while drinking. (right)
Ostara Festival: Viking Brawl¶
Time per activity: 15 - 20 minutes
To begin this activity, speak with Sunniva at the brawling pit within the festival grounds. Assuming you’ve already participated in Twirling Targets and Braun’s Folly at least once, you’ll have 10 rounds of fighters to beat before this activity ends. However, the Ostara Festival brings with it a new element to the Viking Brawl: you can now choose to walk away at the end of any round, taking the festival tokens that you’ve earned up until that point with you.
You’ll earn 10 Festival Tokens for each round. If you reach the final round and defeat the last fighter, you’ll earn 140 Festival Tokens. This is significantly more than what you get from Twirling Targets, but keep in mind that the brawl will take you anywhere between 15 - 20 minutes if you’re aiming for the final round, while Twirling Targets is no more than 3 minutes.
Maximum reward: 140 Festival Tokens.
(1 of 2) Speak with Sunniva outside the brawling pit to begin the activity.
Speak with Sunniva outside the brawling pit to begin the activity. (left), You can choose to take whatever tokens you’ve earned at the end of each round, or keep going to the final round. (right)
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