This page details the location of all Cosmetic Schemes in Eitri, Svartalfheim, part of the Dawn of Ragnarok DLC in AC Valhalla. We’ll cover the Helheim Scheme (Head) and the Alfheim Scheme (Torso).
Helheim Scheme (Head) - East of Maekinn¶
The Helheim Scheme (Head) can be found just east of Maekinn, in southern Eitri. You’ll find it in a building that can only be accessed by shooting the wooden boards covering a window on the southeastern side, as shown in the screenshot below. Once inside you’ll need to move a box and a stone barricade which is covering the gap in the floor where the scheme is located.
(1 of 4) The location of the building where the Helheim Scheme (Head) can be found.
Alfheim Scheme (Torso) - South of Bjarg Herad¶
The Alfheim Scheme (Torso) can be found stuck onto a wooden pillar in a ruined house located south of Bjarg Herad, in northeast Eitri. You can use the Power of the Raven to reach the area quickly, then climb the wooden post to reach the scheme.
(1 of 3) The location of the ruined building where the Alfheim Scheme (Torso) can be found.
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