This mystery can be found in the east of Glowecestrescire. As with all Fly Agaric mysteries, you’ll need to eat the mushrooms to begin. Once you do, a ship will appear, along with a number of statues which have fires associated with them.
Fly Agaric, Glowecestrescire.
How to Complete Fly Agaric in Glowecestrescire¶
To complete the mystery, you’ll need to shoot any fires which have a raven banner associated with them, including the one furthest back on the ship. Once they’re all turned to blue, the gate will alter and you’ll be able to pass through. The mystery will complete soon after.
(1 of 2) The location of the mystery, in the east of Glowecestrescire.
The location of the mystery, in the east of Glowecestrescire. (left), Shoot the fires which have the raven banner associated with them to unlock the gate. (right)
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