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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

A River to Raid

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a guide on the tutorial A River to Raid, which is the first quest in the River Raid side content.

How to Start the River Raids

Once you’ve downloaded the Title Update 1.1.1 (released 16th of February, 2021), the River Raids quests will be available right away within your quests log. You can then choose to activate it and it’ll tell you to go and greet the raiders on the dock. The new raiders will actually be slightly to the east of the dock, and once you speak to them, they’ll tell you of their special maps that have led them to untold riches on the shores of England’s rivers.

Once you’ve spoken to them, a River Raiding Dock will be built, and you’ll need to speak to Vagn, who’s waiting just outside. He will then take you on a tutorial raid on the River Exe, and you’ll tag along with his crew of raiders.

(1 of 2) After speaking to the new raiders east of the dock

After speaking to the new raiders east of the dock (left), you’ll need to speak to Vagn outside of the barracks to begin the quest. (right)

Raiding Keats Farm

Your first stop on the River Exe will be Keats Farm. You’ll be able to loot farms and other civilian locations for rations, which can be found in large wooden boxes. On Keats Farm, you’ll find the rations box in the central building of the farmstead. To open the box, you’ll need the help of one of your raiders!

Rations are important for keeping your raiders healthy and active. When you loot a rations box, each of your raiders will receive one ration, which they will use automatically when they are low on health, and you will also receive a ration that you can use to revive injured crew members. They are particularly prone to being incapacitated by hard-hitting arbalists, which are found in abundance in the larger military camps. You cannot revive your crew if you have run out of rations, and if you don’t succeed in reviving them in time, they will return back to the barracks and will not be available to raid for a short while whilst they heal up.

Even though this is a civilian location, there will be a handful of enemies that you’ll need to battle. But remember, don’t kill the civilians as this will result in desynchronization!

After you’ve found the rations, head back to the ship and continue along the river towards your next location.

Rations will help keep your raiders healthy in battle!

Small Camps

Following the raid of Keats Farm, you’ll need to raid some Small Camps, as your next task in the tutorial is to loot two Foreign Supplies chests, which are found at Small Camps and other military locations as well as monasteries. Typically, you’ll only find one chest at each Small Camp, so you’ll need to raid two Small Camps to grab two lots of supplies. At Small Camps, you’ll find there are a lot more enemies, including a fair few elite enemies.

In the first Small Camp you raid, the Foreign Supplies can be found at the top of a wooden tower on the outskirt of the camp. Then, in the second Small Camp, the Foreign Supplies chest will be found in a small building up the hill and to the left of the path.

Foreign Supplies are similar to the Raw Materials and Supplies found at raiding monasteries found outside of the River Raids update. They can be used to build new settlement buildings relating to raiding, and they can also be used to upgrade your ship so that it holds more loot, meaning you can go on raiding for much longer!

(1 of 2) In the first camp, the foreign supplies will be found atop a wooden tower

In the first camp, the foreign supplies will be found atop a wooden tower (left), and in the second, you’ll find the supplies chest within a building to the left of the path up the camp. (right)

You’ll know if you’ve raided all of the wealth in an area as the raiding point will be marked as completed. Following the raids of the Small Camps, you can either choose to continue along your raid or return to Ravensthorpe. It is advised that you head back to Ravensthorpe to finish up the tutorial, especially since your ship cannot hold much more cargo.

Eastern Fortification

If you do want to continue, the next raiding spot on the river is the Eastern Fortification camp, which is a much larger military camp. It’ll have a lot more elite enemies that will pose a bit of a threat for your crew. At the Eastern Fortification, you’ll be able to grab two more Foreign Supplies boxes, one found in one of the larger buildings up the hill from the river, and one in a tent in the encampment area. After completing this area, you’ll definitely want to head back since your cargo hold is at full capacity and any further raiding may just result in unnecessary loss of raiders as you run out of rations. And, if you die in a Raid, you’ll also lose all progress and rewards!

This location is much more heavily fortified than the Small Camps and the enemies are stronger and in a larger capacity!

Building a Jomsviking Hall

Once you return to Ravensthorpe, you’ll speak to Vagn once again. He will ask you to build a Jomsviking Hall where the raiders can rest. If you head up the hill slightly from the raiding dock, you’ll be able to build a new hall for the Jomsviking, which will cost 100 Foreign Supplies - the equivalent of two chests!

At the Jomsviking Hall, you’ll be able to recruit new Jomsvikings for a fee. The more experienced the Jomsviking warrior, the higher the fee, but they will also be tougher in battle and able to hold more rations!

Once you’ve built the hall, the tutorial will be completed.

(1 of 2) You’ll need to use some of the Foreign Supplies you grabbed on the raid

You’ll need to use some of the Foreign Supplies you grabbed on the raid (left), so that you can create a place for Jomsviking to stay! (right)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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