In Essexe, you’ll be able to collect two different Flying Paper Artifacts.
Colcestre Flying Paper #1¶
This Flying Paper is found in the west of Colcestre. The paper begins above a rope and continues along the ruins and stop on top of a stone statue. This paper unlocks the Vegvisir Scheme (Arms) tattoo design.
(1 of 3) This paper is found in west Colcestre.
Colcestre Flying Paper #2¶
The second Flying Paper is also located in Colcestre, but at the center of the town instead. This paper will also travel across the ropes above the town, like the other Flying Paper. This paper unlocks the Vestri Wind Theme (Back) tattoo design.
(1 of 2) This paper is located in central Colcestre
This paper is located in central Colcestre (left), you’ll find it on the ropes above the town. (right)
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