In Lunden, you’ll be able to collect three different Flying Paper Artifacts.
Londinium Amphitheatre Flying Paper¶
This Flying Paper can be found atop the Londinium Amphitheatre. You’ll need to follow the Flying Paper across the Amphitheatre ruins and you’ll need to do a fair bit of swinging across poles to keep up with it. This paper will unlock the Vestri Wind Scheme (Head) tattoo design.
(1 of 2) At the center of Lunden, atop the Amphitheatre
At the center of Lunden, atop the Amphitheatre (left), you’ll find a Flying Paper artifact. (right)
Lundenwic Abbey Flying Paper¶
This Flying Paper is found just beneath the Lundenwic Abbey synchronization point. The Flying Paper will begin atop the church, then you’ll need to follow it along some trees towards the river. This paper will unlock the Norse Emblem Scheme (Arms) tattoo design.
(1 of 2) Just beneath the Lundenwic Abbey synchronization point
Just beneath the Lundenwic Abbey synchronization point (left), you’ll find another Flying Paper that’ll fly right across trees and buildings towards the river. (right)
Londinium Bureau Flying Paper¶
This Flying Paper is found just east of the Londinium Bureau map marker. Climb up to the top of the ruins then follow the Flying Paper across the pillars. This paper will unlock the Midgard Scheme (Back) tattoo design.
(1 of 2) Near Londinium Bureau, you’ll find a flying paper
Near Londinium Bureau, you’ll find a flying paper (left), it’ll fly across the ruins and you’ll need to jump along the Roman columns to keep up. (right)
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