Heike is a Power Level 250 Zealot, and he can be found in near Old Gravesham Bridge in Essexe.
Heike cut scene.
Fighting Heike¶
Heike wields a longsword which he can make poisonous, so that when it hits you, you’ll take a lot of poison damage over time. He also throws poisonous grenades and holds health rations to heal himself up. If you have trouble with the amount of damage you take via poison, you could try putting some points into specific poison resistance skills.
Heike uses a blend of strong (red) attacks and lighter (orange) attacks. Lighter attacks can be parried, but strong attacks should be dodged at all costs. If you equip the skill Brush with Death you can trigger slowed time periods by successfully dodging an attack, allowing you to get in some uncontested hits.
Hitting Heike’s weak points could also be of use. His weak points are his right shin and his back. When you successfully shoot a weak point, you’ll dramatically decrease his stamina, and if his whole bar is depleted, you can get in a powerful Stun Attack.
When you’ve defeated Heike in combat, remember to confirm the kill to complete this Zealot boss fight. You’ll earn a random powerful rune for this fight and a few other supplies. Heike drops the Mysterious Chariot Tablet - a Treasure of Britain required to get the Excalibur Sword.
(1 of 3) Heike will make his sword poisonous so that you take damage over time when he hits you.
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