This page offers a guide on where to locate and how to complete the mystery, The Plight of the Warlock, in Rygjafylke, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Location: The Plight of the Warlock Mystery.
Find the Hunter South of Nottfall¶
This Mystery can be located on the banks of a river just south of Nottfall or a long walk west from Fornburg settlement. Alternatively, you could also use your longship to travel from Fornburg along the water then head into fjord that heads past Nottfall.
First off, you’ll want to speak to the Hunter who’s hiding in a bush near a wooden post. He will then tell you that he’s hunting a Warlock who poisoned his sister. The Hunter will lead you along a short path towards the Warlock’s hut in the woods.
When you’ve arrived at the cottage, speak to the Warlock. He will then reveal that he did not poison the Hunter’s sister but that he had actually tried to save her from her illness. After this short conversation, you’ll then have the choice to choose sides and either kill the warlock or kill the hunter. Killing either party will result in gaining 20 silver and 1,200 EXP. The fight against the Hunter will be slightly harder as he has a shield and can ward off your blows, and he is also revealed to be a War-Band Chief during the fight.
(1 of 3) Once you’ve spoken to the Hunter, he will lead you to the Warlock’s hut.
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