Movilla Abbey Trade Post Supplies¶
Movilla Abbey is a raiding point found in the eastern region of Ulster, Ireland. You’ll be able to acquire 4 lots of Trade Post Supplies for a total of +280 Trade Post Supplies. You can use these to build Trade Posts.
(1 of 2) At Movilla Abbey you’ll find four lots of Trade Post Supplies
At Movilla Abbey you’ll find four lots of Trade Post Supplies (left), you’ll need your crew to open up the chests! (right)
Enemy Camp South of Movilla Abbey Trade Post Supplies¶
In a small camp on the shore south of Movilla Abbey, you’ll find one chest of Trade Post supplies, which yields +70 Trade Post Supplies. You can use these to build Trade Posts.
(1 of 2) This chest of Trade Post Supplies is found in a camp south of Movilla Abbey
This chest of Trade Post Supplies is found in a camp south of Movilla Abbey (left), you’ll need to fight your way through the camp and grab your crew to open the chest. (right)
Lismore Abbey Trade Post Supplies¶
Lismore Abbey is a raiding point found in the northern region of Ulster, Ireland. You’ll be able to acquire 4 lots of Trade Post Supplies for a total of +280 Trade Post Supplies. You can use these to build Trade Posts.
(1 of 2) At Lismore Abbey you’ll be able to grab four lots of Trade Post Supplies
At Lismore Abbey you’ll be able to grab four lots of Trade Post Supplies (left), don’t forget that you’ll need to raid the location to open the chests! (right)
Donegal Trade Post Supplies¶
Donegal is a raiding point found in southwest region of Ulster, Ireland. You’ll be able to acquire 3 lots of Trade Post Supplies for a total of +210 Trade Post Supplies. You can use these to build Trade Posts.
(1 of 2) Donegal has 3 chests of Trade Post Supplies
Donegal has 3 chests of Trade Post Supplies (left), don’t forget to raid the location with your crew! (right)
Enemy Camp Southwest Ulster Border Trade Post Supplies¶
On the southwest border of Ulster, you’ll find another bandit camp where you can find one chest of Trade Post supplies, which yields +70 Trade Post Supplies. You can use these to build Trade Posts.
(1 of 2) This chest of Trade Post Supplies is found in a camp on the southwest border of Ulster
This chest of Trade Post Supplies is found in a camp on the southwest border of Ulster (left), you’ll need to fight your way through the camp and grab your crew to open the chest. (right)
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