This page offers a guide on where to locate and how to complete The Wound-Wands of Friends, which is a Mystery located in Grantebridgescire, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Location: The Wound-Wands of Friends Mystery.
Speak to Axehead¶
Slightly south of Wycham, you’ll find an old man with an axe lodged in his skull. When you speak to him, it’ll appear as though he has no idea about his fatal head wound. You’ll have the option to tell him straight that he’s about to die or you can lie to him and tell him it’s a small cut. Whichever option you choose, you’ll need to remove the axe from his skull, which results in an almost instant death. You’ll earn 1,200 EXP from helping out the Drengr.
(1 of 2) You can either tell him the truth or sugar-coat the situation
You can either tell him the truth or sugar-coat the situation (left), either way, you’ll need to remove the axe from the man’s skull. (right)
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