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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Frankish Noble - The Hunter

Scott Peers
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This page details how to defeat The Hunter - Amric du Lilibonne, one of the Frankish Nobles required to unlock the We Nobles Three achievement. You’ll find Amric at Les Trois Pignons in Melunois.

The Hunter - Amric du Lilibonne, Siege of Paris DLC.

How to Defeat The Hunter - Amric du Lilibonne

The fight with Amric begins as soon as you loot his treasure chest in the centre of his camp. You should be ready to avoid shots from a crossbow immediately, since Amric will appear from atop the cliff edge to the east and start firing. On high difficulty settings, it will only take two or three shots from the crossbow to kill you, so it’s essential that you’re ready to dodge or roll out of the way of these. You can try to briefly stun Amric from a ranged position by shooting the weak points on his head and his right foot, but this will only give you a moment of respite from his firing. Once you’ve hit the weak points, you’ll want to get in melee range as soon as possible to inflict the most amount of damage.

In the beginning of the fight and throughout most of it, Amric will run away from you as you chase him down. We recommend that you dual-wield two fast weapons such as one-handed swords or daggers, as this will continuously interrupt his attempts to run away, at least most of the time. If you spam light attacks on Amric while you’re facing toward a cliff, he will eventually be pushed off the cliff by the force of your attacks, leaving him vulnerable to a stomp attack. Alternatively, you can jump down and continue thrashing, as this will often do more damage, especially if you combine the light attacks with heavy attacks while Amric is incapacitated.

(1 of 2) The location of Amric the Hunter.

The location of Amric the Hunter. (left), Loot the chest in Amric’s camp to begin the fight. (right)

If you’re finding it difficult to slow Amric down or stop him entirely, try using some of your special abilities. Harpoon Impalement is particularly useful if you have the second upgrade for it, as this will pull Amric toward you and inflict a significant amount of damage. You can also use Throwing Axe Fury to knock Amric down for a few seconds, and also do a decent amount of damage to his stamina bars (shown above his health bar). Once you deplete all of his stamina, you’ll be able to execute a stun attack, which will inflict massive damage.

When Amric is down to about a quarter of his health, he’ll drop the crossbow and begin attacking with his one-handed sword. He can be incredibly quick here, and he’ll spam red rune aura attacks if you’re on high difficulty settings, which can’t be blocked or parried. The best way to avoid these is by dodging or rolling away. If you have the Brush with Death (Way of the Raven) skill, you’ll be able to slow time for a brief moment after each successful dodge of an attack, allowing you to retaliate with a few swift strikes or a special ability of your own.

Amric will also begin to use chain attacks in the last quarter of the fight, which will result in him spamming melee attacks combined with jumps. These can catch you off guard if you’re not careful, and dodging / rolling can be less useful here since he will follow up the first attack with at least two others. Instead, you should try to block or parry these attacks, which will stun Amric and give you time to retaliate. However, you’ll need to have good timing to make a successful block or parry, and a failed one could result in you taking a lot of damage, so just run away to create some distance between Eivor and Amric if necessary.

(1 of 6) Shoot Amric’s weak points as soon as possible to weaken his defences and stun him briefly.

So long as you avoid the attacks noted above, the fight shouldn’t be too difficult. The most dangerous phase is arguably in the beginning, when Amric is spamming crossbow bolts from afar, since these can take you out very quickly. Once you’ve killed Amric, be sure to confirm the kill to complete the mystery.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
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