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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Finding Fritjof

Scott Peers
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This page details how to complete the Finding Fritjof quest in Svartalfheim, part of The Relic quest arc. You’ll find this quest at the Grenhellir Shelter, which is located west of Uldar near the centre of Gullnamar.

“The Muspels seek mysterious ancient relics. The last surviving source of information on this matter is Fritjof, a local miner, but he has gone missing and Havi must find him.”

Finding Fritjof, AC Valhalla.

Where to Find Fritjof the Dwarf

Explore Uldar’s Jeweler’s District

The quest begins after speaking with Gunborg, the leader of the Grenhellir Shelter. The best lead you have on the location of the missing relic is a dwarf named Fritjof, who may be found at the nearby settlement of Uldar. You’ll need to check the Jeweler’s District to begin with, near Uldar’s south gate. Gunborg has suggested that you look for gold on the streets there, indicating that you’re in the right place. You can approach Uldar from the west, heading directly across the bridge, then turn south over the lava pools at the end of it. You’ll find a lift at the back of one of the houses here, which you can use to reach the roof. From here you’ll be able to see the window from which you can enter the tallest house in the district, as Gunborg suggested.

Head over the rope wire and into the house, then use Odin’s Sight to highlight some objects of interest that you can examine. You’ll find some notes in here which hint at Fritjof’s location, including one in the corner of the room which you’ll need to reveal by first moving the box on top of it. Once you’ve examined everything on this floor, head upstairs and examine the final letter behind a movable barricade. After reading this, break the door lock on the eastern side of the house on this floor, then use the rope wire and rooftops to reach the entrance of the Smelting Foundry. You may have to kill a few of the guards outside here, or if you prefer you can use the Power of Muspelheim to disguise yourself as you enter.

(1 of 3) The location of Uldar, east of the Grenhellir Shelter.

Find Tyra in the Smelting Foundry

Once inside the Smelting Foundry, you’ll soon reach an area where two dwarves are being abused by Muspel guards. You can jump down from above to assassinate these guards, then speak to the dwarves. They’ll confirm that they don’t know where Fritjof is, but you can explore further in the foundry to find a number of prison cells. The dwarf Tyra is in one of these cells, and you’ll hear her calling out Fritjof’s name. Free her and then lead her out of the foundry towards the exit in the northwest.

(1 of 3) Jump into the haystack and wait for guards to pass to enter the Foundry unseen.

Follow Tyra to the Fornama Dig Site

Now that you’re outside with Tyra, you can follow her to a nearby boat. She’ll row to the other side of the river, where you’ll encounter a Muspel patrol consisting of three lesser guards and one Ash-Bringer elite. These shouldn’t be too difficult for you to deal with, and once you’ve killed them you can continue to follow Tyra along the road. You’ll eventually reach a crossroads where you can examine both roads, then a broken runestone in the bushes to the left of them. Tyra recognises this stone and then rushes up the path to the west. Near the top you’ll encounter some wolves, but they’re nothing you can’t handle.

(1 of 3) Follow Tyra to the boat and wait for her to row you over the other side of the river.

Free Fritjof from the Cage

At the end of the path you’ll find the Fornama Dig Site, where Tyra believes Fritjof is being held captive. You can use your raven here to scout the area and identify the general location where Fritjof might be found. Head to the centre of the highlighted area to find the dwarf in a cage, using the Power of Muspelheim as your disguise or killing all the Muspels in the area, whichever you prefer. You’ll notice that the cage is locked, and two nearby Muspels seem to have dropped the key into a pool of lava. You’ll need to assassinate these two and then either use the Power of Muspelheim to enter the lava in order to take the key, or just sprint through it if you don’t have the bracer powered up.

Use the key to open the cage and free Fritjof, finish off any enemies that might notice you, then carry the dwarf to the hill located south of the site. From here a long cutscene will play out, during which Fritjof informs Havi about where the relic is most likely to be found, leading into the next quest.

(1 of 3) Use your raven to scout the site, identifying the cage where Fritjof is imprisoned.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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