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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

The War Effort

Scott Peers
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How to Complete The War Effort

This quest functions in a slightly different way to most that you will have encountered in the game so far. The main objective requires you to interact with four wooden carvings which surround a small boat in the festival grounds. Each time you interact with a specific carving, the quest objectives will be updated with two or three main tasks. The tasks are as follows:

Northern Carving

  • Buy something from Norvid’s shop
  • Survive three rounds of Swinda’s weapons testing

Southern Carving

  • Collect animal goods from hunting
  • Catch a fish

Eastern Carving

  • Help Thyra with the sacrifice
  • Help Braun with the pigs
  • Humble Ake

Western Carving

  • Call a feast at the Longhouse
  • Apply a tattoo
  • Find the 3 War Letters in the festival area

The majority of these tasks are fairly simple, but it helps to have them organised in one place, as with the list above. You can do them in any order that you want, but for the purposes of this guide we’ll be going through them in the above order.

The War Effort, Sigrblot Festival.

Northern Carving Tasks

Buy something from Norvid’s shop

To complete this objective, you’ll first need to acquire enough tokens to buy something from Norvid. You can earn an easy 30 festival tokens by defeating Alwin at a game of Orlog during War Games. This is enough tokens to buy any of the new hair or beard styles, or the Baldr’s Offering settlement cosmetic, which is the cheapest item in the shop for 20 festival tokens. Alternatively, you can leave this objective until last if you’d rather save up enough tokens for something specific. You’ll find Norvid just to the southeast of the main festival fire, near a bright red canopy.

Survive three rounds of Swinda’s weapons testing

This objective requires you to complete Test Your Metal at least once. The objective is simple: choose a weapon between shortsword, dual-daggers, or dual-shields, and then defeat three waves of mobs. You’ll be facing the first two waves with your Jomsviking, but you’re on your own for the last. The fights aren’t particularly difficult, but you’ll want to make good use of parrying and dodging if you find them a little tricky.

Southern Carving

Collect animal goods from hunting

A simple of objective which updates as soon as you collect any item from an animal which can be traded in at the hunting lodge (you won’t need to trade it in to complete the objective). The nearest place to find animal goods is from the wolves in the woodland northeast of Ravensthorpe.

Catch a fish

As with the above objective, this one is incredibly simple. You don’t even need to use the fishing line to catch a fish, so you can just kill one from the small ponds within Ravensthorpe and then loot it. The objective will complete once you have the fish in your inventory.

(1 of 2) You can kill and loot the wolves in the woods east of Ravensthorpe to collect animal goods.

You can kill and loot the wolves in the woods east of Ravensthorpe to collect animal goods. (left), You’ll find plenty of fish in the ponds around Ravensthorpe. (right)

Eastern Carving

Help Thyra with the sacrifice

You’ll find Thyra next to the large pyre in the centre of the festival grounds.

This task begins the quest Feeding the Wolf. To complete it, visit the shrines located near the waterfall and stables in the north of Ravensthorpe. There you can read notes from Tarben, Randvi, and Petra, each of which a kind of prayer to a specific god. You can then pick up one of the boxes near each of the notes and take it to Thyra. She will instruct you to place the box in the pyre, and then light the offering to a god of your choice between Baldr, Thor, and Freyja.

Once you’ve lit one of the offerings, speak with Thyra again. She’ll tell you to visit the homes of Tarben, Sunniva, and Eira to collect 35 Festival Tokens from each. Once you’ve collected all of the tokens, the quest will complete.

Help Braun with the pigs

This one begins the quest Three Big Pigs. You’ll find Braun near the pig pen just east of the central pyre. He’ll tell you that three pigs have run off, and he needs you to find them and bring them back to the pen.

From Braun’s location, head north until you find a crashed pig cart. Eivor will comment on this and you’ll then notice three objective markers for each of the pigs. They can be found in the woods to the east of Ravensthorpe. Be sure to use your raven to scout the area if you’re having trouble locating the pigs.

When you find each pig, whistle for it to follow you. You’ll need to gather all three pigs and guide them to Braun at the pen. Speak with him when all the pigs are in the pen (you’ll need to enter the pen to encourage them in first). You’ll earn 100 Festival Tokens, but you’ll need to make an offering to Baldr, Thor, or Freyja near the pyre to complete the quest.

Humble Ake

You’ll find Ake immediately to the southeast of the eastern carving. Speak with him to begin the quest Fight or Flyte. Ake will challenge you to a flyting contest, and you’ll need to beat him by selecting the following options:

  1. (Option 3) “While I fight and I bleed. You turn honey to mead.”

  2. (Option 1) “A calm life is yours to choose. I draw blood, you nurse your brews!”

  3. (Option 2) “You are drunk or insane, with rank rot in your brain.”

You can choose any option for the fourth round, each one will result in a successful outcome at this point. You’ll earn 40 festival tokens at the end of the quest, plus double whatever you wagered if you win.

Western Carving

Call a feast at the Longhouse

This is the first of three simple tasks for the western carving. All you need to do is go to the longhouse and ring the bell to call a feast. It’ll cost you 65 silver to host the feast.

Apply a tattoo

To complete this task, speak with Tove in her hut just west of the longhouse and choose any tattoo to apply. You can always remove it later if you don’t want any, but applying it once will be enough for the task.

Find the 3 War Letters in the festival area

The final task is to find 3 War Letters in the festival grounds. The easiest way to locate this is by using Odin’s Sight to highlight them in teal. You’ll find War Letter I next to some barrels just north of the pig pen. War Letter II can be found on top of an anvil just west of Alwin, and War Letter III can be found between some more barrels just southeast of the festival pyre.

(1 of 7) Ring the bell outside the Longhouse to begin a feast.

Once you’ve read all 3 War Letters, the quest will update by prompting you to return the offerings to the boat. Doing so will complete the quest, and you’ll earn 100 Festival Tokens.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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