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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

The Ulfberht Sword

Scott Peers
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This page details where you can find the Captains at military locations in River Rhine, as part of The Ulfberht Sword River Raids quest. We’ll also show you exactly where to find the Ulfberht Sword’s Champion at the Ferrieres monastery, and where to find the Spinning Harpoon special ability at the top of the tower in Ferrieres monastery.

The Ulfberht Sword, River Raids Francia Expansion.

Where to Find the Captains in the River Rhine

To lure out the Champion of the River Rhine, you first need to defeat two Captains. These come in the form of any elite soldier unit, and they can be found in any military location along the Rhine. The spawn location of the Captains is random, but since they’re confined to military locations, we’ve listed all of those which can be found along the Rhine in the below table.

Military Location Region of River Rhine
Fort Ehrenfels Northwest
Rhine Fortification Northwest
Fortified Ruins West
Katzenelnbogen South

Once you’ve found and defeated a Captain, you’ll need to confirm the kill before it registers on the quest log. After killing two Captains, you can begin to look for the Champion, who can be found at the Ferrieres monastery.

(1 of 4) The location of military locations in the northern River Rhine.

Where to Find the Ulfberht Sword’s Champion in River Rhine

Now that you’ve killed two Captains at one of the military locations listed in the above table, you can travel to the Ferrieres monastery, located in the far east of the Rhine, to find and kill the Champion. You’ll need to fight your way through the soldiers at the monastery before you reach the main church at the top. When you enter the church, a cutscene will begin and a boss fight with the Champion will follow.

(1 of 2) The location of the main church in the Ferrieres monastery.

The location of the main church in the Ferrieres monastery. (left), Enter the main church in the Ferrieres monastery to begin the fight with the Champion. (right)

Boss Fight: Ulfberht’s Sword’s Champion

The fight with the Ulfberht’s Sword’s Champion will be much easier than the Lugh’s Spear Champion. This is mostly because the Ulfberht Champion isn’t wearing any armor. Instead, he’s clad only in priestly robes, which leaves him vulnerable to attack. On standard difficulty settings, you can kill the Champion in two or three hits by first hitting his weak point on his left shoulder, then executing a stun attack. You’ll inflict massive damage due to the Champion’s lack of armor, and negate his swift attacks at the same time.

If you’re fighting the Ulfberht Champion on higher difficulty settings, you’ll need to be more careful to avoid his attacks. He will spam his special red rune aura attack, which comes in the form of a spinning attack with a reasonably large reach. One hit from this will knock you down on high difficulty settings, while also inflicting massive damage, so you’ll need to avoid it at all costs.

Alongside the red rune aura attack, the Ulfberht Champion will spam chain attacks which are indicated by an orange aura. These are less deadly than the red rune aura attacks, but they can still inflict a lot of damage if you’re caught of guard and hit by all of the attacks that are chained. You can stop the orange aura attack with a block or parry, but you’ll need to dodge or roll out of the way of any red rune aura attacks. Alternatively, you can use a special ability of your own to interrupt the red rune attack.

Ultimately, the Ulfberht Champion is a glass cannon opponent who can swiftly inflict massive amounts of damage in close combat if you fail to block, parry, or dodge away from his attacks. However, it will only take relatively few hits from yourself to take him out, since he’s wearing no armor. A string of special attacks will be more than enough to deplete most of the Ulfberht Champion’s health if you’re playing on standard difficulty.

When you defeat the Ulfberht Champion, you’ll receive the Ulfberht Sword. You’ll also unlock three new quests for each River Raids region in England, Ireland, and Francia when you return to Vagn.

(1 of 4) You’ll need to dodge or roll away of red rune aura attacks, or interrupt them with special abilities.

Where to Find the Spinning Harpoon Ability at Ferrieres Monastery

The acquisition of the Spinning Harpoon ability isn’t necessary to complete the quest, but you might as well pick it up before you leave the monastery. You’ll find the Book of Knowledge which grants it at the top of the church tower in the monastery grounds, as shown below.

(1 of 2) You’ll find the Book of Knowledge at the top of the church tower in the monastery.

You’ll find the Book of Knowledge at the top of the church tower in the monastery. (left), The Spinning Harpoon ability is similar to that which is used by mace wielding elite units. (right)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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