Jorvik Flying Papers Locations¶
There are a total of 2 Flying Papers to be found in Jorvik, one in the east and one in the west.
Jorvik Flying Paper #1 - South of Councillor’s House, East Jorvik¶
This one can be found on a rooftop just south of the Councillor’s House in east Jorvik. You’ll be chasing the paper westward toward the northern bridge and the Royal Hall. However, if you skip over and between the rope lines rather than run along them, you’ll be able to catch the paper before you reach the bridge. Alternatively, if you approach the paper from the west you can chase it along the rooftops to the northeast, which is an easier route but slightly longer. Catching the paper provides you with the Skraelingi Emblem Scheme (Back).
(1 of 3) The location of the flying paper in east Jorvik.
Jorvik Flying Paper #2 - East of Jorvik Theatre, West Jorvik¶
This one can be found on top of a large Roman pillar, located near some scaffolding south of the Royal Hall. You can chase the paper northwest toward the hall, or you can chase it south toward some stone ruins. The southern route is both easier and shorter, so we recommend approaching the paper from the north if you’re not too bothered about a challenge. The paper will provide you with the Auki Sign Scheme (Arms).
(1 of 3) The location of the paper in West Jorvik, south of the Royal Hall.
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