This page offers a guide on where to locate and how to complete Last Flight of the Gyldan Sparrow, which is a Mystery located in Lunden, AC Valhalla.
Location: Last Flight of the Gyldan Sparrow mystery.
Find the Gyldan Sparrow Wreckage¶
This mystery is located on the south side of Lunden, on the docks at the River Thames. You’ll find a group of people talking about a wrecked ship, if you talk to them Eivor will offer to find the wreckage and collect any valuables that had sunk with the ship. The ship wreck can be found just to the left of the pier.
Dive into the water and you’ll be able to loot two chests found within the ship wreck. Return to the group of people and they’ll then ask you to find the valuable necklace which has been eaten by a fish. You’ll now need to go back to the river and catch any fish you can find. If you don’t know how to fish, you can use our Fishing guide for more information. Once you’ve caught a fish, return to the group and give them the necklace to complete the quest.
(1 of 2) First you’ll need to find the wreck and collect the wealth
First you’ll need to find the wreck and collect the wealth (left), then you’ll need to catch a fish to grab the necklace. (right)
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