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Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Manius's Sanctum

Scott Peers
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This page details how to complete the Manius’s Sanctum tomb of the fallen, including where to find the residents at the Ravensthorpe docks, where to find the entrance to the tomb, and how to open the gate with the lever.

Manius’s ​Sanctum, Tomb of the Fallen.

How to Complete Manius’s Sanctum

Where to Find the Residents at Ravensthorpe Docks

This is the first Tomb of the Fallen that you will encounter. You’ll find it by speaking with the residents of Ravensthorpe who are gathered by the docks, just to the west of Gudrun the boat builder. When you speak with the residents they’ll tell you that their animals have been acting strangely, breaking out of their pens and running into the river. Eivor sends their raven Synin to investigate, but even the raven acts oddly as they near the site of the tomb.

How to Find the Entrance to Manius’s Sanctum

There’s nothing for it: Eivor must investigate themselves! To reach the tomb, swim over the river and climb the rocks directly in front of you when you reach the shore. If you can’t spot the hidden entrance to the tomb (in the form of a kind of runic inscription on the rock), use Odin’s Sight to highlight the area. Once you interact with the inscription, the entrance will be revealed to you.

After jumping down into the haystack below, the first thing you’ll encounter is a destructible wall. You can use the Incendiary Powder Trap special ability to destroy it, and you’ll find a number of Opals which you can loot behind it. Now you can proceed through the tomb, reading the notes scattered about as you go.

(1 of 6) You’ll find the residents on the western side of the Ravensthorpe docks.

How to Activate the Pressure Plates & Open the Gate

You’ll soon reach a room with some pressure plates, apparently of Roman origin. These were likely built by Manius, the Roman engineer, to keep the Britons out. To activate the pressure plates, first shoot the breakable wooden barrier behind the pressure plate on the western side of the room. You’ll find a large object behind here which you can drag out and place on the pressure plate.

Next, turn south and climb up the rock to the lever. You’ll need to pull this lever to gain access to a smaller spherical object which will appear in the slot next to it. You can then carry the object to the centre of the second pressure plate. Once you place it in the hole, the gate will open after a brief cutscene.

Now that you’re inside the main chamber of the tomb, you can use the rope wire to reach the mysterious rock in front of you. When you inspect it Eivor will comment that it seems to be a map of England, which locations marked. These are the locations of other Tombs of the Fallen in England, but they’re only roughly indicated by the shape of the rock.

(1 of 5) Shoot the wooden barrier to find the object behind.

Where to Find the Fallen Hero Cape

Now that you’ve inspected the mysterious rock, you can climb the walls on the western side of the tomb, following the path marked by the white chalk on the ledges, to reach the wooden platform above. Here you’ll find some more Opals which you can loot.

If you haven’t picked it up already, you’ll find a key on the table near the large rock. This opens the door on the eastern side of the tomb, which leads to the workshop of Manius. You can take some time to read the notes and loot the long dead Briton for silver, then loot the chest at the northern side of the chamber for the Fallen Hero Cape. There’s a spike trap near the chest, but these don’t do too much damage and they’re easy to avoid. Once you loot the cape, exploration of the tomb will be completed.

(1 of 4) You’ll find more Opals on the wooden platform above.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 November 2020
  • Last Updated
    11 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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